At noon we arrived Erzurum. Artvin was an inviting blend of secularism and religiosity. I did hang out with local boys, we went to Kafkasör Yaylası, had a BBQ, drank some. Some were fasting some were not. We did break iftar together. I was told Artvin was called “little Moscow” in the old times, as many leftist leaders grew up in that town.

Erzurum is huge, the biggest town in Eastern Anatolia but unfortunately a relatively socially intolerant place. Still, I was always curious of this town and I am glad I can finally make it.
I am dreaming of cağ kebabı. I will have it in the evening.
Some addresses:

p.s. next day, I visited the campus of Atatürk University. It has the biggest campus in Eastern Anatolia. I wondered around the city. I was more relaxed by then…
I saw Çifte Minareli Medrese and the city citadel- or what is left of it…
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