A super busy week ends with a disappointing news.

This semester I have four courses to teach. It is a relatively heavy workload but I am fine with that. I like teaching anyway. One of the courses is an MA course on Cyberculture studies which is very satisfying. In fact, all courses so far went well. On Mondays I start teaching at 9.30 am and goes until 16 pm. On Tuesday mornings I have a 1st year course. And on Friday evenings I have the MA course (from 7 pm to 10 pm!). In addition to this regular schedule, I have had a brief lecture on the state of Turkish media to a group of visiting French students on Tuesday noon. and on the same day afternoon I was a in a faculty meeting.

On Wednesday, I have had an all morning lecture on social media to a group of senior PR students and on Thursday afternoon I did the same for another audience (here is the info for the Thursday event).
On Friday morning, I talked about web censorship to a group of students who prepare a project on web censorship, then  I was filmed for a career planning project and then I got the news:
I will not be appointed as an Assistant Professor before September. and even then there is no guarantees… Under normal conditions, since I am already a full timer lecturer position, this should just be a formality and I should have become an Assist. Prof. already. But things began to be not normal for me and this is another case. This is a major disappointment for me and I believe my days in Bilgi University are numbered. Not that I will be fired but this becomes an issue of pride. I will be looking for a move now and I feel so regret for the offers I had rejected last year… In the mean time, it is an irony: Just before I heard this disappointing news, I was talking to the interviewer that I was a lucky fellow because I work at a place I love and at a place to which I feel deep loyalty 🙂

7 thoughts on “A super busy week ends with a disappointing news.”

  1. I am so sorry. I know how you loved that university. And they are crazy not to love having you there. I shall await good news of something else then.

    A huge hug from the kiwi in Belgium.

      • Cok uzuldummm! Bilgi Universitesini sensiz dusunmek cok garip geliyor. Uc yil gecti mezuniyetimin ustunden, cebimde kalanlar cok az; ama sansli hissediyorum ki senin derslerine girme ve seninle tanisma sansim oldu. Eminim ki mezun oldugum universitem sana hakettigin degeri verme lutfunda bulunur. Sikma canini:))

  2. Off, Erkan, niye Bilgi böyle salakça şeyler yapar, niye senin gibi bir adamı üzer ve “hata mı ediyorum burda kalmakla” dedirtir, gerçekten bilmiyorum.
    Ama öfkeliyken ve üzgünken fevri kararlar verme derim yine de.
    “Oralardan konuşması kolay” dersen, onda da haklısın, ne diyeyim.
    Kolay gelsin arkadaşım. Çok üzme kendini.

    • Aybike 3 gün oldu. sakinleşemedim. Fevri bir durum yok, en doğal hakkım yeniyor. Öğretim görevlisi olmam bile olay olmuştu, şimdi de bu. Sanırım burada devam edemeyecek artık. Ne yazık ki kötü bir döneme rast geldi, elim kolum biraz bağlı ama dönem sonuna doğru yeni fırsatlar çıkacaktır. Bakalım artık…

      • Hmm, ben eski vakaları bilmiyordum. Daha önceden de sorunlar olduğunu yani. Ben Bilgi’den gideli şaka maka 8+ yıl oldu, tabii bir sürü şey değişmiştir, ben hariçten gazel okumayayım.

        Senin için hayırlısı neyse o olsun.

  3. offf erkan offf. seni kabul edecek ne kadar cok okul vardi bu yilin basinda. bari bilgidekiler sana daha evvel soyleyeydi de, onlari kacirmasaydin. coktan yard.doc olmustun. bilgi giderek daha kotu bir okul olma yolunda ilerliyor… eger ayrilirsan, onlarin kaybi olacak.


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