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- You need to have subscription to this great journal to read the articles but I am sure all major university libraries are subscribed to. At the end there is also roundup on art/intellectual/academic links…
- [update: all articles downloadable here]
- Introduction: Thinking after Michel Foucault
- Couze Venn and Tiziana Terranova
- Theory Culture Society 2009;26 1-11
- Alternatives to the Prison: Dissemination or Decline of Social Control?
- Michel Foucault
- Theory Culture Society 2009;26 12-24
- Foucaults Untimely Struggle: Toward a Form of Spirituality
- Paul Rabinow
- Theory Culture Society 2009;26 25-44
- Identity, Nature, Life: Three Biopolitical Deconstructions
- Judith Revel
- Theory Culture Society 2009;26 45-54 more
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