Di, is one of the most loyal followers of this blog. She has also become a dear friend to me. She started as an amateur blogger with a blog from Blogspot but gradually she had proved herself as a good photographer and now she has her own domain and she exhibits her stuff and activities. … Read more
I realized that a dear former student of mine, Çağın Ünsal, is into photography and some photos he exhibited in his Facebook account were fantastic. I knew that he was an amateur theater player and I watched him play once or twice but I did not know he has also an interest in photography. He exhibits his photos in a photography site called 40 Haramiler. With his curtesy and selection I offer three of his photos here. Enjoy and check his otherphotos at the link I have just given…
I have met Merve Tekeoğlu through Youth Studies Unit at Bilgi U. At one point we have become Facebook friends and I happen to see her photo uploads from time to time. She has a particular album of photos she has taken and I am quite fascinated with her shoots of ordinary human faces, some scenes from the campus and her -as far as I understand- more montages photos. I publish here some of her photos after getting permission from her. I asked her if she has a website or blog where she publishes her photos. She said she only used her Facebook profile so far. In case, she has a public place where she exhibits, I will let you know. Until then, here is a selection: