Avaaz.org and Tor team up against Internet blackout. Egypt roundup continues…

Egypt: Avaaz.org and Tor team up to fight the Internet blackout, you can help from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin by NickKristof: “pro-democracy protesters taking photos with soldiers on Tahrir. Hope they stay friendly. Egypt: Real Change Comes from the Street from OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY by John Stanton I commented some years ago on the troubles … Read more

Registering a revolution. Hail to the brave people of Egypt. A roundup.

Egypt: Too soon to analyze, so here?s my outbox from …My heart’s in Accra by Ethan Protesters stop for prayer during January 28th demonstrations in Cairo (possibly 6th October Bridge.) Twitpic posted by @ollywainwright What Role Did Social Media Play in Tunisia, Egypt Protests? from MediaShift As the protests are playing out in the streets … Read more