Turkish State wanted to play a PR stunt yesterday by promoting a “national car” which was in fact a stolen idea- not surprisingly…

National car unveiled by minister sparks Cadillac debate A long-awaited domestic vehicle that has been promoted as a “national car” by government officials during election campaign stops, was unveiled Oct. 13, but its resemblance to Cadillac has sparked a debate VIDEO: Minister shows photos of first Turkish-made car prototypes Turkish Science and Technology Minister Fikri Işık announced … Read more

“Orhan Pamuk and the onslaught of urbanisation” Istanbul news roundup….

Lost in Istanbul: Orhan Pamuk and the onslaught of urbanisation The National Lost in Istanbul: Orhan Pamuk and the onslaught of urbanisation The National “Can you tell me where Istanbul ends, and the rural begins?” Cihan Uzuncarsili Baysal, a housing rights activist and Bilgi University law professor asks during a recent talk on urbanisation at Kadir … Read more