Saskia Sassen on Immigration [and a roundup]

Immigration: control vs governance, Saskia Sassen

from open Democracy News Analysis – by Saskia Sassen

The United States has resorted to fairly extreme state action in order to control undocumented immigrants. This is a long history, with ups and downs. The current phase of strong-state action began in the 1990s with Bill Clinton. But the US is not alone. Some of the most powerful states in the world ? Britain, France, Italy – have increasingly reoriented large parts of their state bureaucracy to control, detect, stop, detain, and deport basically vulnerable and powerless migrants. These states have been willing to sacrifice major and minor laws, and more generally the spirit of the law – one of the most valued achievements of collective history in the west. They have sacrificed the civil liberties of their citizenry in order (supposedly) to control foreigners.

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Congressional Research Service: The European Union: Questions and Answers

The European Union: Questions and Answers (PDF; 166 KB)
Source: Congressional Research Service (via Open CRS)

The European Union (EU) is an economic and political partnership that represents a unique form of cooperation among its 27 sovereign member states. The Union is the latest stage of a process of integration begun after World War II to promote peace, stability, and economic prosperity in Europe. The United States has strongly supported the EU and its progenitors as a means to foster democratic states and robust trading partners.

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Copenhagen Climate Summit begins…

I?m sorry, we could have stopped catastrophic climate change #COP15

from Osocio Weblog by Marc

I'm sorry, we could have stopped catastrophic climate change? We didn't

Next monday, dec 7, the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference finally start in Copenhagen. All visitors who came by aeroplane (…) will see these billboards at the Copenhagen Airport. They campaign from Greenpeace shows our world leaders in 2020.
The leaders: Sarkozy (FR), Merkel (Ger), Obama (USA), Tusk (PO), Lula (Br), Zapatero (Es), Brown (UK) and Harper (Can). See them all after the break.

Copenhagen sees pros and cons of host role

from – World, Europe
As the eyes of the world focus on Copenhagen, there is reputational danger in attaching the Danish capital’s name to a conference that could end in failure

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"Populists defeated in Swiss EU labour poll

While populists are defeated in Swis EU poll, German judges study Lisbon Treaty. And there is more from Europe… A roundup… 

Populists defeated in Swiss EU labour poll

With most mainstream political parties and the economic establishment pushing for a ‘yes’ vote, anti-immigration populists suffered a defeat yesterday (8 February) in a referendum to open up the country’s labour market to Bulgarian and Romanian workers.


The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) commissioned OgilvyOne to develop a website campaign to encourage people across the EU to take action to reduce their environmental impact. The site is called the changers.found in The Changers

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"Lisbon Treaty: Ireland is not the only problem

Lisbon Treaty: Ireland is not the only problem

Whilst there is a unanimous view among the Irish electorate that their ‘no’ vote on the Lisbon Treaty should be respected, it is "necessary to respect the fact that a substantial majority of member states have approved [the text]" too, argues Peadar ó Broin, a researcher at the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), in a paper for the European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN).

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"EU agrees on key immigration pact

EU agrees on key immigration pact

EU ministers agree on a plan to curb illegal immigration while easing the rules for highly-skilled workers.

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"EU Agencies – Whatever you do, we work for you Source: European Commission

EU Agencies – Whatever you do, we work for you

Source: European Commission

From Stockholm to Crete and from Lisbon to Warsaw, 29 agencies provide service, information and know-how to the people of the European Union and beyond. The agencies work within many different fields such as environment,
food safety, transportation, trade marks, education, or fundamental rights.

This brochure dedicates a page to each of the agencies, describing their work and giving contact details.

“Don’t buy exotic animal souvenirs.” In Animal souvenirs

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"Sorry, you?re just not European enough….

Sorry, you’re just not European enough

By nosemonkey on Ukraine

Better luck next time, Ukraine.

One of these days the EU powers that be are going to realise that when you’ve got countries torn between a European and non-European identity, to keep on telling them “sorry, you’re not European enough yet” is just going to drive them into the other camp.

How much longer are the likes of Ukraine and Turkey going to put up with these repeated, very public rejections before heading off to the waiting embrace of Moscow or non-secular Islamism?

Migration fears unjustified, OECD

Growing migration is putting strains on rich and poor economies alike, according to the OECD.


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