Roger Waters campaigning for the freedom of Kurdish musician Nûdem Durak

Rock legend Roger Waters called for the freedom of Kurdish musician Nûdem Durak – Medya News Medya News … bassist and founder of the band Pink Floyd, Roger Waters called for the Kurdish singer Nûdem Durak who has been behind bars in Bayburt Prison .

A nation imprisoned: A record number of 68 new prisons have been opened in Turkey in 2021.

Penal labor in Turkey: Prisoners build prisons Bianet :: English A record number of 68 new prisons have been opened in Turkey this year, according to the Ministry of Justice. Case of killed HDP worker Deniz Poyraz: ‘Treat the murderer like a murderer’ Bianet :: English An armed assailant stormed the HDP’s provincial office in İzmir and … Read more

Taybet İnan commemorated as a survey states “Situation of human rights in Kurdish regions no different from the 1990s’

Taybet İnan commemorated: ‘Perpetrators are still on duty’ Bianet :: English Shot by snipers in Turkey’s Kurdish-majority Şırnak province during curfews in 2015 and with her deceased body left on the street for 7 days, Taybet İnan has been commemorated in the 6th year of her death in the place where she was killed. Survey: ‘Situation of … Read more

After allegations of torture and rape Garibe Gezer suspiciously loses her life in prison…

SHE TOLD OF TORTURE, RAPE: Garibe Gezer suspiciously loses her life in prison Bianet :: English Having announced that she was tortured and sexually assaulted in Kandıra Prison in Kocaeli, Garibe Gezer has suspiciously lost her life in the same prison. Lawyer Eren Keskin asks, “How could a person in a cell hang herself?” Garibe Gezer, … Read more

Close links between Securitarian policies and uncontrolled Dersim Fires…

‘Dersim fires are not independent of securitarian policies’ Bianet :: English According to the KESK’s report regarding the forest fires in Dersim, 140 hectares of land were affected by the fires in the Fırtına Veli area while 340 hectares were affected in Hozat: “Fires in Dersim systematically increase in times of security policies.” SELAHATTİN DEMİRTAŞ: ‘Forests in … Read more

Erdoğan and his prompters… “Erdoğan uses teleprompter to answer journalists’ questions during live broadcast

Erdoğan uses teleprompter to answer journalists’ questions during live broadcast Bianet :: English The president was mocked on Twitter after it was seen that he was reading answers from a teleprompter and his aides were whispering suggestions at him. Prominent Turkish MP murdered over links to Iranian drug lord – ex-adviser | Ahval Prosecutors investigate Ekşi Sözlük over … Read more

EFD Rights Watch: Seven people from Kurdish family shot dead at home in an apparently ‘racist assault’

Prosecutors and AKP leadership were quick to deny the racist side of the massacre but many believe it was an ethnically motivated massacre… Prosecutors say massacre of Kurdish family ‘not racially motivated’ Bianet :: English Ten people have been detained in relation to the killing of seven members of a Kurdish family at home in Konya. … Read more

Homophobia in action: “#İstanbul Governor Office bans LGBTI+ Pride March again…

İstanbul Governor Office bans LGBTI+ Pride March again Bianet :: English As the Pride March has been banned for the seventh consecutive year, LGBTI+s say they will define the ban and “find one another on the streets. In Turkey, Pride Picnic draws police violence Global Voices Online by Arzu Geybullayeva In Istanbul, police intervenes to prevent Pride … Read more

It is like Márquez’s “Chronicle of a Death Foretold”: Everyone knew there would be murder… “Gunman aimed for massacre, HDP Co-chair says

  Gunman aimed for massacre, HDP Co-chair says | Ahval The Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir provincial chapter had cancelled at the last minute a… ATTACK ON HDP: ‘If these attacks are not prevented, things can go as far as political assassinations’     Bianet :: English Leaders of political parties say the attack was carried out … Read more

Under pressure, deep state actors rely on the same playbook. A fascist militant murders a HDP worker, #DenizPoyraz, in İzmir after days of targeting HDP by official means…

It is so obvious. So obvious… God damn this murderous thug that is playing with our lives. DEVELOPING: Attack on HDP İzmir office: Party worker Deniz Poyraz killed Bianet :: English The İzmir provincial organization building of the Peoples’ Democratic Party has been attacked. HDP MP Murat Çepni has announced that party worker Deniz Poyraz … Read more

Kobani Trial scandal. News from a failing state (1)

HDP politicians were not even given a chance to defend themselves. AKP government does not even pretend to show there is an ongoing judicial process. Kobanî trial: Request for recusal rejected Bianet :: English Facing aggravated life imprisonment over the Kobanî protests from seven years ago, the HDP politicians appeared before the judge today, on April … Read more

Gergerlioğlu slapped by a policeman, later abducted from hospital and put in prison…

HDP: Gergerlioğlu ‘abducted’ from hospital and put in prison Bianet :: English HDP deputies and the son of Gergerlioğlu were not allowed to visit him at the hospital today. It was later found that he was secretly taken to prison.,

Turkey may have lost her grasp both on the pandemic and the currency values. 1 USD =8.27 TRY

I am in turmoil with my own personal issues and Turkey is also in turmoil, it seems. Turkey tightens coronavirus measures as cases on the increase countrywide Bianet :: English President Erdoğan announced new measures as the Health Ministry published the new risk map. Weekend-curfew declared in 58 cities in Turkey | Ahval The Turkish President Recep … Read more

Blogging Turkey’s Dark Saturday (20 March 2021)- Police raids on HDP quarters all over Turkey continues

Rapporteur appointed on lawsuit against HDP Hurriyet Daily News The head of Turkey’s Constitutional Court on March 19 appointed a rapporteur on a lawsuit filed by the Supreme Court of Appeals’ chief prosecutor for the closure of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). Turkish police detain pro-Kurdish HDP officials, rights activist AL JAZEERA ENGLISH (IN DEPTH) Move … Read more

Turkey’s Interior Ministry has a Women’s Emergency Support (KADES) application that serves in 6 languages. Guess which language is not there.

A sum of “Turkey’s Kurdish problem” Women’s Emergency Support App has 6 language options, but not Kurdish Bianet :: English  HDP MP Kılıç Koçyiğit has asked why the Interior Ministry’s Women’s Emergency Support (KADES) application does not have the Kurdish option while it is now offering services in Turkish, Persian, Arabic, English, Russian and French. In … Read more