Introducing Turkish Cybersphere (2)

Part I was received well now comes the second part: A very extensive conference on Internet will take place on 12-13 December at Bilgi U. I-net 2009 program can be found here. New design for Kreavitme – A successful markeing blog. Özlem Hoşcan’s site/blog on marketing with an emphasis on social media. A cool activistic … Read more

Introducing Turkish Cybersphere (1)

I have been saving material about Turkish websites or blogs or e-discussions for a while. Let me offer them to my readers. This is by no means a comprehensive list. But of course I will do my best to find whatever I can find.

As I have recently noted, Turks like to have good productive discussions in Friendfeed. In one of the most recent one, people discuss Google Public DNS. (In Turkish)

Mavi Boncuk offered us 10 Best Blogs from Turkey. I don’t know what criteria they used but some deserve to be in the best list for sure. These are all in Turkish:

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