Özkırımlı’s (@UOzkirimli) book on #Cancelled: Both against right-wing authoritarian populism and regressive woke Left identity politics

It has been released now. Ümit Özkırımlı‘s long-awaited book is out. He has been a target of cancel culture practices which had a hard toll on him. I am glad that he could prepare this book. The “woke culture” is killing the left identity politics, which is a tribute to what led to these days. … Read more

Hmmm, Z-Library is back in an unblockable version

Z-Library, the world’s biggest pirate e-book site, is back in an unblockable version AlternativeTo News Chased, prosecuted, and sanctioned, Z-Library has not yet said its last word. Over the past year, the pirate library has endured numerous lawsuits and attacks around the world. Not enough to kill this website, which quietly reappeared this weekend. Pirate … Read more

WOKE at work. “What Lund University (@lunduniversity) Did to Umut Özkirimli

  What Lund University Did to Umut Özkirimli BY JULIE WARK In its treatment of Umut, Lund University, acted as a law unto itself. 1) It denied him a fair workplace investigation and provided “information liable to expose [him] to the contempt of others” (Swedish Criminal Code, Ch. 5) by issuing the report of its “investigation”, … Read more

My colleague Dr. Furman co-authored an article on Sputnik’s Twitter based disinformation in Turkey

It is open access. You can have a look here.  “As Reliable as a Kalashnikov Rifle”: How Sputnik News Promotes Russian Vaccine Technologies in the Turkish Twittersphere Ivo Ozan Furman, Kurt Bilgin Gürel, and Fırat Berk Sivaslıoğlu Abstract Established in 2014, SputnikTR (a localized version of Sputnik News) is the most popular pro-Russian media outlet active in Turkey. The … Read more

“Open access resources and translations on global smartphone use”

I am sharing an email with you. Full of good stuff (I also collect academic resources in this mini website):  We would like to draw your attention to four open access publications and translations deriving from the Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing (ASSA) <https://www.ucl.ac.uk/anthropology/assa/>. ASSA is a collaborative research project based at UCL Anthropology which … Read more

A documentary: Academic Freedom in Turkey and Brain Drain

English subtitles added. As the IVME Movement, we are proud to share our documentary “Academic Freedom and Brain Drain in Turkey” with the public. In our documentary, which is a product of more than a year of collective work and intense volunteer effort, we documented the recent developments within the Turkish academia, and intense political … Read more

We had a visitor at #BilgiMedya. Prof. @ChrChristensen shared his research findings with us

It was nice to see him after a long time of Twitter friendship. His Google Scholar profile here. An enlightening session today about intl media coverage of Sweden’s infamous “light touch” COVID-19 strategy. The stereotypes, ignorance and ethnic correlation standards. @ChrChristensen @sakaerka #pub204 pic.twitter.com/AbBLOXocvN — Manahil Atcha ✨ (@manahilatcha) April 14, 2022  

This is how Boğaziçi University scholars continue to protest (Video)

2021 Boğaziçi University protests

ECREA Public statement on Russian invasion of Ukraine

  As a pan-European organization, ECREA (European Communication and Education Association) Research is appalled by the aggression of one European nation against another. ECREA strongly condemns this senseless act of violence and stands firmly behind our Ukrainian colleagues, and we encourage all members to use available platforms to influence political leaders in all European countries … Read more

“Woke”ism wins the day in OTSA (Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association)

Ottoman & Turkish Studies Association The Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association, founded and incorporated as the Turkish Studies Association in 1971, is a private, non-profit, non-political I would like to share my earlier tweet and further thoughts concerning the debate about removing Fuat Köprülü's name from the OTSA (Ottoman Turkish Studies Association) prizes along with the names of … Read more

Check out the current state of Boğaziçi University top academic administrative staff

No need to know Turkish. The appointed and very unwelcome Rector cannot find professors who would work with him so he appoints the same persons to several schools as the Dean. The majority of Boğaziçi University professors continue to protest:  protests mark one year since Erdoğan’s rector appointment

Sedef Kabaş becomes the latest victim of insult to the president trials

Turkish journalist held over alleged ox insult against Erdoğan World news: Turkey Sedef Kabaş faces trial over use of proverb on TV and in tweet comparing palace to a barn A Turkish journalist has been jailed pending a trial for allegedly insulting the president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, after she cited a proverb on television and social … Read more

About a heated debate on nepotism and corruption in Turkish (exiled) academic community

David Selim Sayers has recently penned a very long and detailed piece entitled as The Real Academy in Exile He is one of the Peace Academics but he did not join the more organizational dimensions of the movement such as joining the core mailing lists etc. The whole issue started after his application for a … Read more

Good riddance: President Erdoğan ousts Boğaziçi University rector whom he himself had appointed 7 months ago

President Erdoğan ousts Boğaziçi University rector Hurriyet Daily News Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on July 15 replaced a top Istanbul university rector whose appointment led to months of student-led protests against his rule. APPOINTED RECTOR DISMISSED: Boğaziçi University | Vice rector appointed as acting rector Bianet :: English Shortly after Melih Bulu, the appointed rector of … Read more

ECREA protests against political attacks on academic freedom in Denmark

Danish academics fear for freedom after MPs condemn ‘activism’ ECREA protests against political attacks on academic freedom and is deeply concerned about the erosion of academic freedom in Denmark Dear ECREA members, ECREA is deeply concerned about the erosion of academic freedom in Denmark and the mounting political attacks on particular research areas within the … Read more