While the house of Asad collapsed, I may have had the busiest week. This semester, I have two undergraduate courses and, some weeks, a doctoral seminar on Mondays. After a busy day and an online interview on AI and society, I was ready for the Tuesday event. German, Dutch, and Swedish consulates celebrate Human Rights Day together in Türkiye, and I was invited to be a moderator in an opening panel. The program is here:
Before that, I attended a weekly jury meeting and a meeting with a local streaming platform. After events at the three consulates, I was ready for a two-day closed conference with AI experts in Türkiye, a closing event supported by Google for our two-year project in AI literacy.
Deloitte Turkey will release a report in the next months. My notes, observations, and findings will hopefully end up in a chapter in a handbook on AI and anthropology. Working with Google gave me many tips for an ethnography of corporations, but I will discuss this later after our last feedback meeting (!)
I also appeared in a newspaper on Sunday on the word of the year, “brain rot.”
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