It seems that desperate Turkish authorities found a new enemy: LGBTI+. Not only police intervene in women’s rallies but AKP leaders are creating a moral panic about LGBTI+ through their daily rantings…
The AKP often asks rhetorically, “What have we banned in our time in charge? Tell us one thing we’ve banned…”
Here are their police banning colour. They’re so scared of rainbows that they’ve resorted to actually banning colours.pic.twitter.com/1yIL1BDmJM
— Can Okar (@canokar) March 6, 2021

Upon the call of the İstanbul March 8 Women’s Platform, women from all around İstanbul met in Kadıköy ahead of International Women’s Day. LGBTI+ cortege and rainbow symbols were not allowed in the square for a long time.
Birileri kalkıp lgbti+ları hedef gösteriyor, polis sadece kimlikleri nedeniyle gözaltına alıyor. Hangi insan hakları? https://t.co/fMuOz0wadP
— Ceren Sozeri (@cerensozeri) March 6, 2021
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