I was quoted in Ahval: “AKP has always sought to curb online debate” As Erdoğan describes social media as a ‘garbage dump’ [Again]

AKP has always sought to curb online debate – Erkan Saka | Ahval

Erkan Saka, communications professor at Istanbul Bilgi University, told Ahval editor David Lepeska…

Duvar English

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has described social media as a “garbage dump,” saying that it became a rampant environment in terms of increasing and varying cyber-bullying.

“Social media has turned into a garbage dump and a completely rampant environment. We will never surrender to this virtual world that people’s rights are violated and that they are harassed, deceived, lynched, insulted,” Erdoğan said at the opening ceremony of the new national agency to protect against cyber-attacks in the Turkish capital Ankara on Feb. 10.

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