#Europe agenda: Looks like French government retreated, for the moment…

Here’s all you need to know about the French protest movement that has tested Emmanuel Macron’s presidency.


French police officers on horses in Paris- https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/a2qqc4/french_police_officers_on_horses_in_paris/


Campaigners warn nationwide protests over tax rises will only damage the country’s green agenda.

How did three weeks of protests over a gas tax culminate in the once-in-a-generation riot that engulfed central Paris on Saturday, leaving hundreds injured, more than 400 arrested, and the capital’s central business district a mess of smoke, broken glass, and burned-out cars? Even the French are feeling a little confused.

British slang for their money.
by u/Net_Warrior in funny

The word for "water" in European languages
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Households in the EU spent 12.2 % of their total consumption expenditure on ‘food and non-alcoholic beverages’ in 2017
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High ranking German government officials were outed this year for secretly supplying advice and assistance to the xenophobic, violent, far-right extremist Alternative For Germany (AfD) party.

Members of the “yellow vest” movement say hardliners have warned them not to meet the PM.
The 80-year-old was closing the shutters in her flat in Marseille when she was hit by a projectile.
The party is the first from the far-right to win seats in a Spanish regional election in decades.

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