President Obama just effectively freed Chelsea Manning from the 32 remaining years in her jail sentence, according to the New York Times. While it’s not a presidential pardon, the commutation of Manning’s sentence will see her go free in just five months.
President Obama commuted whistleblower Chelsea Manning’s remaining prison sentence. She will go free on May 17 of this year as opposed to 2045, the duration of her full sentence. From the New York Times:

With its hold over territories in Syria and the Northern Iraqi city of Mosul slipping steadily, terrorist group ISIS is finding itself forced to improvise in its battle against Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).
Growth across social networks was a defining feature throughout 2016. While the increase in mobile and media consumption made headlines, the underlying growth–spending on social advertising–will yield more change. A fourth-quarter report from data science and media technology provider 4C Insights examines the evolution in social advertising spending.
I had an unsettling realization and <href=”https://www.google.com/trends/explore?date=2009-12-13%202017-01-13&geo=US&q=pupper,kitteh”>it checked out. Is it just that we needed their warm, comforting companionship instead of the cooly cerebral presence of felines? Or are they in on it?
I have an affinity for new things designed as old things, so this brief history of data visualization by RJ Andrews hits the spot.
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