Anthropology & Photography (ISSN 2397-1754) is a new open-access RAI publication series edited by the RAI Photography Committee. Emerging from the international conference of the same name organized by the RAI at the British Museum in 2014, the series will highlight and make available to the widest possible audience the best new work in the field.
We are eager to solicit new contributions from anthropologists and practitioners which could be visual, textual, or somewhere in between.
UCL Anthropology launches a joint cross-section seminar series titled “Resilience – Merits and Critique of a Concept.
Beginning after November reading week, the series will use insights from social anthropology, material culture studies, medical anthropology and biological anthropology to explore and critique peoples’ resilience in the face of social and/or ecological difficulty in a range of ethnographic settings.
[Savage Minds welcomes guest bloggers Daniel M. Goldstein and Raúl Rodriguez Arancibia]
In the Andes last summer, while traveling to visit family and friends prior to beginning his studies in anthropology at Rutgers University, Raúl Rodriguez Arancibia took a long-distance bus ride on which they were showing the 2015 film “Our Brand is Crisis.” (Most Bolivian buses have mounted screens at the front on which they show movies throughout the ride). The movie is a political satire based on the 2005 documentary of the same name, which recounts the role of American political campaign professionals working as consultants in a Bolivian presidential election. The film depicts the Bolivians as dolts, their primitive innocence contrasted with the wisdom and sophistication of the Americans. What might it look like, Raúl wondered, if the roles were reversed, and the camera turned on U.S. politicians? What might a Bolivian insider’s view of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign reveal?
Nurturing Masculinities: Men, Food and Family in Contemporary Egypt. Nefissa Naguib. University of Texas Press. 2015.
Katharina Graf (SOAS, University of London)
Nefissa Naguib’s book ‘Nurturing Masculinities’ is b
Anthropologist to discuss cultural perceptions of food tastes at Lycoming College
Lycoming College
Richard Wilk, distinguished professor of anthropology at Indiana University, Bloomington, will discuss the concept of taste during a presentation at Lycoming College on Oct. 20 at 4 p.m. The presentation, entitled “Tasty or Disgusting: Paradoxes of .
De Anza anthropology students excavate 16.5 million-year-old fossils in Kenya
La Voz Weekly
A team of four De Anza students undertook a rigorous learning experience hunting for fossils in Kenya over the summer. The students, Michelle Bounkousohn, Vincent Gomez, Chris Mayes, and Viana Roland took part in the expedition with anthropology
Political Anthropology: On Long Island, frustration has set in
Part of an occasional series on the political makeup of the United States. Sayville, New York (CNN) “Lemme show you the Trump truck!,” says Bob Belonzi, excitedly. He’s got the cutting Long Island accent of a man who’s lived out here his entire life …
Political Anthropology: On Long Island, frustration has set in …KITV Honolulu
Changes in the anthropology department causes students to feel uncertain about their futures
Western Herald
Neon signs plastered in graduate students’ windows, petitions and letters to the editor in the Western Herald all pleading to save Western Michigan University’s anthropologydepartment have left many wondering what exactly is going on
Why anthropology is the future of humanity
The Standard (press release)
As far as my memory can go, I remember when I was a little girl just joining form one, I took 11 subjects including History, a more specific continuation of Social Studies which is taught in primary schools. In the introduction, Anthropology was

Climate change is the nightmare that keeps me up at night. The consensus seems to be that the world will be significantly different within my children’s lifetimes. Many places will be uninhabitable. Many if not most of the world’s great cities, which are built on waterfronts, will be flooded and destroyed by unpredictable weather events and rising oceans. The global refugee crisis will become much, much larger. The food supply will become uncertain. The American landscape and economy will be different in ways I cannot imagine, while India, where I conduct my research, will be a place exponentially more difficult for the millions of people already struggling to get by. There is a degree of uncertainty in these statements, albeit a hopeful uncertainty. Many of the predicted changes are already happening, faster than scientists had thought.
Anthropologists Analyze the Cargo-Short Boom — Science of Us
New York Magazine
During the dearly departed summer of 2016, cargo shorts accounted for 15 percent of new short styles on online retailers, Kim Bhasin noted at Bloomberg,

Associate anthropology professor Victoria Lockwood dies
The Daily Campus
Victoria Lockwood, associate professor of Anthropology passed away on Oct. 3, according to an SMU press release. The cause of death is unconfirmed and arrangements are pending at this time. lockwood.jpg. Dr. Victoria Lockwood Photo credit: SMU.
Anthropology Professor Wins Prestigious Award for Book on Gender and Markets in Vietnam
Holy Cross News (blog)
After more than 20 years of ethnographic research on women, entrepreneurship, and marketplaces in Vietnam, Ann Marie Leshkowich, professor of anthropology and director of the Asian Studies program at the College of the Holy Cross, authored “Essential ..
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