Move over, teens. Your parents, aunts, and uncles are getting in on the Snapchat action. According to the Wall Street Journal, 14 percent of US smartphone users aged 35 and above use Snapchat, up from 2 percent three years ago.

Two types of cyberattacks may sound similar, but they’re quite different in practice.
KHANKE, Iraq — The advertisement on the Telegram app is as chilling as it is incongruous: A girl for sale is “Virgin. Beautiful. 12 years old…. Her price has reached $12,500 and she will be sold soon.”
The marketing industry often works toward incremental change in search of greater profits. For example, spending millions fighting for a slightly higher percentage of engagement or increased ROI. However, there’s a challenge to marketers that is costing marketers billions: ad blocking. New data fromeMarketer predicts that ad blocking will only become an ever larger obstacle for marketers.

While back in the early 2000s many doubted its legitimacy, these days most would agree that internet addiction is no laughing matter.
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