Appelbaum, whose work has put him in the crosshairs of his own government and foreign states, resigned from the Tor project on Friday, accompanied by a short note from Tor executive director Shari Steele.

A Tor Project co-worker backs up claims of Appelbaum’s sexual misconduct posted to an anonymous website and acknowledged by Tor’s management.

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act is meant to protect copyright holders from illegal piracy, but its often broad application can stifle research and free speech.
In this presentation from Freedom of the Press Foundation director Trevor Timm talks about what we can do to protect the next generation of whistleblowers.
In an effort to combat piracy, copyright holders report millions of infringing links to Google on a daily basis.
Due to the high number of often automated notices and the fact that copyright holders don’t always check the validity of all requests, mistakes are a common occurrence.
Random Swedes will be answering “The Swedish Number” until June 24. Credit: Swedish Tourist Association
Ramadan is underway, and Twitter launched several initiatives to help itsMuslim users celebrate their holy month.
Twitter media partnerships director, Middle East Kinda Ibrahim said in a blog post that tweets about last year’s Ramadan were seen 8.4 billion times, on and off Twitter–adding that the most discussed topics include food, travel and shopping–and she provided details on the social network’s offerings for this year’s Ramadan.
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