After two and a half years of technical analysis and discussions, six months of deliberations among all stakeholders, and intense negotiations at the United Nations, at three o’clock in the morning on December 12, 2015, the talented co-facilitators from the United Arab Emirates and Latvia dropped the gavel on the outcome document for the ten-year review of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). That consensus document presents international principles that will guide the UN’s work on Information and Communications Technology (ICT)-related issues.
Best of 2015: Wikipedia-Mining Algorithm Reveals World’s Most Influential Universities

For Elections, Is Social Data More Predictive Than Traditional Polls?
One critical aspect of democratic societies is the importance of public opinion polling. Polling data allows the political leadership insight into the public’s perception of issues and events. Without these polls, the public would not have the ability to make their voices heard when critical policy decisions are being made and discussed.

Last week, network hardware manufacturer Juniper revealed that it had found unauthorized code in its system firmware that made it possible for hackers to gain administrative access to its devices. It’s possible that the firmware has been vulnerable for years.

In February we chose our 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2015—here’s how they have advanced since.
2015 brought a large scale expansion to the already popular online video space: Everyone from content marketers, to internet users, and social networks have jumped on the video bandwagon. An infographic from business software solutions provider Orchestrate explores the impact of video this year, and the potential implications for next year.

I love new products. By extension, I love Product Hunt. In my world, it’s crack. I get my fix each morning before I start writing and in one quick visit I get access to some of the best new products in the tech world and beyond. It’s a goldmine of possibilities for a tech lover. Since my addiction to new products has reached Tyrone Biggums-like proportions, and I was tasked with writing a “best of” list, it was only natural to think in the context of the cool new apps, services and products I found in 2015. Luckily, I’m a digital pack…
Massive LiveJournal Troll Network Pushes Pro-Kremlin Narratives
Multiple LiveJournal blogs linked to a Twitter bot network discovered earlier publish pro-Kremlin posts on a regular basis. Images mixed by Tetyana Lokot.

The good times can’t last forever.

These companies have all had issues, but despite the death watch, none of them is in danger of shuttering.

Domain name blocking has become one of the entertainment industries’ go-to methods for reducing online copyright infringement.
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