In a victory for millions of people in the U.S. who have placed telephone calls to locations overseas, EFF and Human Rights Watch have confirmed that the Drug Enforcement Administration’s practice of collecting those records in bulk has stopped and that the only bulk database of those records has been destroyed.

Facebook’s real name policy saga has been rumbling on for more than three years now, when it first claimed this wasn’t going to rolled out on a broad scale. Since then, they’ve asked our US editor Natt Garun to provide a pronunciation of her name, been ordered to allow Germans to use whatever name they want, shut down someone who was truly called Ai Overdrive and been phucked over by someone not called Phuc. Given the company decided to do this in the first place because its share price dropped after it was revealed there were 83 million fake Facebook accounts online, it’s not…

Today in Germany, Facebook, Google and Twitter reached an accord in an attempt to control hate speech on each of the respective platforms. All have agreed to delete content that constitutes hate speech within 24 hours. The new agreement makes it easier for users or anti-racism groups to report hate speech violations to specialists at the three companies. The deal should ease some of Facebook’s tension in Germany, where it has seen a total of four executives investigated in the past few months. Its European head, Martin Ott, was the latest. After World War II, Germany has long had some of the…
From the 1990s to 2013, the DEA secretly and illegally collected billions of records of Americans’ international calls to hundreds of countries around the world. In April 2015, we filed a lawsuit on behalf of our client, Human Rights Watch, challenging the constitutionality of the program and seeking to have the records purged from the government’s possession.

Slack doesn’t want chat to be just chat. It wants to be the way you do everything at work.

Botnets are machines infected with malware that allows an attacker to take remote control of them individually or simultaneously.
This Cat Calendar Is Making the Russian Orthodox Church Go Viral
The October page of the quirky calendar features hieromonk Theodorit and his cat Monya. Image from
Let’s do an experiment. Grab your phone and open up your text messages. Scroll through a text thread until you land on an emoji. Chances are you didn’t have to scroll very far if at all, right?
Online media: personal data collection as a source of revenue?
‘We are all Muslim’: Michael Moore is starting a movement against Trump
Director Michael Moore stood in front of Trump Towers on Wednesday holding a sign denouncing the anti-Muslim proposed policies of presidential hopeful Donald Trump.

It’s a weird, wide world out there.

There’s a reason Anonymous is named after a tactic, not a cause. Hackers acting under the Anonymous banner tend to share certain values, like Internet freedom and anti-authoritarianism. But the purpose and motivation of any given Anonymous operation isn’t always obvious. When Anonymous went up against the Church of Scientology and security software maker HBGary, the dynamic was pretty clear: These groups had antagonized Anonymous (taunting it, in HBGary’s case) and Anonymous wanted to strike back. Anonymous did so by trying to expose the secrets and damage the reputations of its targets. In the Steubenville rape case, when a member of Anonymous outed the then-alleged and since-convicted rapists, the motivation was one of outrage, but the tactic of exposure remained the same.

Working on making Buffer an inclusive place where all kinds of people feel they belong and thrive is one of my favorite things. It’s a unique time to be working on diversity goals at a tech startup. On the one hand, there is quite a bit of work to do to make the strides we’d all like to make. On the other hand, there is so much hope and so many cool innovations, programs, and even tools that can help move us toward where we want to be. We’ve shared a lot of our thoughts, strategies and mistakes so far.…
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