3,861 children suffered a violation of their rights and 617 others died during the 11 months of 2015. Among these, 57 lost their lives as a direct result of state violence. More than 6 thousand children are currently jailed in Turkish prisons. Human Rights Association (IHD) has released a report on occasion of 20 […]

14-day-long curfew has been lifted in Mardin’s Nusaybin district, nine people lost their lives during the curfew.
I’ve been comparing the new ministerial cabinet with the cabinet of the previous Justice and Development Party (AKP) government

FOLDED CORNER – ‘Writing Religion: The Making of Turkish Alevi Islam’ by Markus Dressler (Oxford University Press, 345 pages, $69)
It has to be asked of Professor Celal Şengör, who ruined an exceptionally sunny Sunday for many of us with his poisonous ideas in an interview with Radikal’s Armağan Çağlayan, while he praised late military leader Kenan Evren and the Sept. 12 military coup, together with his hate for democracy and his ambition for oligarchy, what he was trying to prove by gorillas at a zoo that making people eat feces in prison was not torture…

His authoritarianism and the us-versus-them model is the main reason why Turkey lost its shining light.
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