Rebecca MacKinnon, the journalist/activist who wrote the seminal Consent of the Network, has launched a new project called Ranking Digital Rights, part of the New America Foundation’s Open Tech Institute. RDR issues report-cards that evaluate how Internet giants and other companies handle your data: what do they promise, do they encrypt, and who do they share it with? Virtually every company gets a failing grade in virtually every category. (more…)

As the widespread use of encryption starts to make surveillance more challenging, one of the nation’s fusion centers has a proposed solution: more informants.
Members of the hacking collective Anonymous say they are preparing to release a list identifying thousands of members of the Ku Klux Klan in an operation they’re calling “Hoods Off 2015.”

It was only a matter of time. EmojiWorks, an Austin based company at the time of writing, has built a physical keyboard that allows you to use emojis without opening a separate app or window.

If you’ve already beat ’em, might as well join ’em.
Linux creator Linus Torvalds had a meltdown over a pull request, and it was awesome

Linus Torvalds, father of the Linux kernel (and thus a lot of the software you use) had a meltdown last week — and it was epic. Someone who (apparently) made a pull request for Linux version 4.3 submitted networking code Torvalds didn’t like, and he went all the way off. Here’s the full response.

Anonymous has released four separate drops that allegedly include the names and information of members of the Klu Klux Klan — a Christian white supremacy organization identified as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
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