Al Jazeera America | Case of Vice reporters underlines Turkish crackdown on Internet freedom Al Jazeera America “Turkish authorities are very pragmatic in stigmatizing encryption,” said Erkan Saka, a professor of communications at Istanbul’s Bilgi University. “They want a media blackout in the region,” he said, and “they know that if they mention [ISIL] there … |

The police officer who shot and killed Gezi protester Ethem Sarısülük during the 2013 Gezi Park protests has been discharged from jail, even though he had been sentenced to seven years and nine months in prison

The issue of whether the independent ministers of the interim government will take the ministerial oath sparked debate at parliament on Sept. 3, during a session held to vote on a motion to reauthorize the Turkish military to conduct cross border operations in Iraq and Syria.

Parliament convened on Sept. 3 to extend the mandate of the Turkish Armed Forces to take military action in Iraq and Syria in an extraordinary session, with the measure due to be in effect for one year.
British Vice News Journalists Released, Iraqi Interpreter is Still Under Arrest

British reporter Jake Hanrahan and cameraman Philip Pendlebury from Vice News were released. Iraqi M.İ.R is still under arrest.

Jake Hanrahan and Philip Pendlebury had been arrested last week while on assignment for Vice News. An Iraqi journalist who assisted them remained jailed.

Turkey’s bold, risky payout plan to catch suspected terrorists may backfire.

Turkey’s human rights record has never been a bright one. Especially in the 1980’s and 1990’s when Turkey entered a spiral of violence due to the Kurdish issue, human rights violations became a major and shameful headache for Turks

Two Vice News journalists and their assistant who were arrested in Turkey have been transferred to a prison more than 500 kilometers away from their lawyers

The Turkish Embassy in Thailand is casting doubt on reports that its nationals were involved in the Aug. 17 bombing of a Bangkok landmark

Turkish newspaper highlights media restrictions on its front page
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