At its 14 August 2015 meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, the IFLA Governing Board endorsed an IFLA Statement on Privacy in the Library Environment. The FAIFE Committee oversaw preparation of the Statement and benefitted from consultation with IFLA units and various Internet civil liberties advocacy organisations.
The FBI kept files on author Ray Bradbury: “Definitely slanted against the United States”
Michael from Muckrock writes, “The FBI followed Ray Bradbury’s career very closely, in part because an informant warned them that his writing was not enjoyable fantasy, but rather tantamount to psychological warfare.”
Wonderful literary GIFs by Javier Jensen of Santiago, Chile.
2015 Hugo Awards Best Novel goes to Chinese writer Liu Cixin. Image: Book covers of Liu’s first two work in his trilogy.

After a group of fans tried to guarantee a whiter, more male slate, most of the big Hugos instead went to “No Winner.”
Exploring the abandoned digital campuses of Second Life universities
During the late ’00s heyday of Second Life, everyone wanted a piece of the popular virtual world, including colleges and universities who set up their own online campuses to engage students and even teach real classes.
For the last two years, a group of colleagues from across the universities of Stirling, Edinburgh and Bristol have been working with me on a seminar series exploring how code acts in education. As the project comes to an end, we have produced a free, open access e-book: “Coding/Learning: software and digital data in education.”
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