Before we finish the academic year, and parents begin the summer childcare/work juggle, we wanted to give you the latest updates from our blog on parenting and digital media. As our goal is to give parenting advocates, researchers and parents access to cutting-edge research, including from our current project on Parenting for a Digital Future, here’s a few things to mull on over the summer…(Click here to subscribe, if you haven’t already). 
Since we last wrote, we have kept on top of breaking news and public debates in ON OUR MINDS. We’ve been asking what difference the ‘digital’ makes – it is a word on everyone’s lips but is rarely examined. We invited UK advocacy organisation the NSPCC to tell us about their work to convince social networking sites to try harder to keep kids safe, given that parents feel increasingly challenged by keeping up with the latest apps. A panel for parent bloggers led us to reflect on the benefits and dangers of‘sharenting’ and building a digital footprint for your children. Another guest post helped us to understand the current craze for watching ‘unboxing’ videos on YouTube. In FROM OUR NOTES we draw on our current research with children, families and digital media in the UK and US. We explored the cycle of how the way that parents understand ‘the future’ impacts on how they parent in the present and how they parent in the present can have long-term implications. Our observations in the homes of families with very young children resulted in both UK-focused and European posts. And we added to our book reviews with Selwyn’s ‘distrusting educational technology’. Continuing with our insights from AROUND THE WORLD, guest bloggers reflected on digital technology and today’s global children. The latest posts discuss the digital lives of urban youth in London, the challenges of parenting a disabled child in the US, the idea that ‘Facebook surveillance = parental love’ in Singapore, and Brazilian findings that kids are going online there far ahead of their parents. For more, and to subscribe or share, visit
And do get in touch if you’d like to contribute. |