Turkey must put its reform process at the center of domestic policy choices and commit “unequivocally” to democratic rules and principles, which are at the heart of the EU, the European Parliament said in a resolution on the 2014 reform progress in Turkey

Ankara will return the European Parliament (EP) report on Turkey, the European Union affairs minister said

Leaked wires have shown European Union executives were allegedly “not satisfied” with Turkey’s offer to the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) Market Access Negotiations, stating Turkey needed to “substantially improve” its offer.
Escaped from ISIS, 3,000 Syrians crossed the border by passing through Urfa province. Syrians were taken to tent cities after the registration.

Turkey has recalled its ambassador to Brazil, Hüseyin Diriöz, for “consultations” after the Latin American country’s Senate passed legislation recognizing the killing of Ottoman Armenians in 1915 as genocide, a Foreign Ministry statement said late on June 8.

Russia’s Gazprom has said all commercial conditions for a contract with Turkey’s state-owned crude oil and natural gas pipeline company Botaş had been agreed
Commentary (ISPI) June 4, 2015 Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale (ISPI) By Mustafa Kutlay * The economy has become one of the hotly debated topics in Turkey prior to the general elections on June 7. There is now a quasi-consensus that the upcoming election is one of the crucial turning points in the […]

Norway’s Statoil announced the closure of its offices in Turkey on June 15, after its sale of a stake in Malaysian company Petronas’ Shah Deniz project in Azerbaijan
Les Echos (France) no. 21952, vendredi 5 juin 2015, p. 7 Yves Bourdillon Avec 2 % de croissance cette année, les investisseurs sont plus méfiants et la livre turque a perdu 40 % de sa valeur depuis 2013. Les grues concurrencent les minarets sur la ligne de ciel d’Istanbul. « Il n’y a pas de […]

International credit rating agency Fitch has said Turkey’s banking sector will not be significantly affected by the takeover of Bank Asya.
EDAM Climate Action Paper Series, 2015/1, May 2015, 37 p. Gökşin Bavbek * Solar photovoltaic is an energy source that is increasingly gaining widespread recognition and utilization in different parts of the world. Even though Turkey is ideally located to benefit from solar energy, its utilization in the country is still at a negligible level. […]
The Moscow Times (Russia) June 4, 2015, p. 6 Reuters, Moscow/Ankara Russia’s Gazprom plans to start building a pipeline to Turkey this month to get gas to Europe without going through Ukraine, company sources said, although it has no firm agreement with Ankara and faces opposition from the European Union. With the EU determined to […]
IAI Working Papers (Istituto Affari Internazionali)15|21, May 2015, 19 p. Sami Andoura * The EU and Turkey are engaged in a long-standing process of negotiation over membership, facing many stumbling blocks and no prospects of successful conclusion in the near future. At the same time, the EU and Turkey have increasingly high energy ambitions, which […]
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