The European Commission has launched a formal antitrust investigation into Amazons ebook business to determine if the company is abusing its powers. The investigation is going to hone in on Amazon’s contracts with publishers,

The Internet’s been collectively demanding Twitter give us better tools to fight such hate. It looks like progress is being made.
Social media could be an excellent opportunity for companies to provide customer service. However, many companies fail to provide a positive, or even adequate experience. A whitepaper titled The State of Customer Service 2015from The Northridge Group, examined current customer attitudes toward online customer service from more than 1,000 respondents.
Despite the hype surrounding live-video-streaming applications Periscope andMeerkat, a recent study by eMarketer found interest in them to be \”generally low.\”
According to eMarketer, an April poll by Horizon Media found that just 21 percent of respondents had used or were interested in using Periscope or Meerkat.

When it comes to website optimization, even global enterprises with dedicated web teams can unintentionally trigger adverse behavior from visitors to their site if they don’t take psychology into account.

XPRIZE‘s competitions touch the furthest reaches of human achievement in fields like healthcare, oceanography, space exploration and now adult literacy. The organization is currently designing a competition in the field of cybersecurity. In this three-part series produced by XPRIZE, you’ll hear from some of the giants in the Internet and cyber-security fields as they relate stories of cybercrime becoming a worldwide business, privacy becoming an antiquated idea, the discovery of Stuxnet and real possibility of cyber-warfare. In this final part we see the very real threats of cyber warfare in the future. Don’t miss part one and part two. ➤ XPRIZE
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