Changing working conditions at European universities are studied in a recent book ‘Academic Work and Careers in Europe – Trends, Challenges, Perspectives’, edited by Tatiana Fumasoli, Gaële Goastellec and Barbara Kehm. Tatiana Fumasoli tells about the main findings presented in the book.

The Mediterranean migrant crisis: What can be done?
Over a thousand people lost their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean during the past week, tragically pushing migration to the top of EU leaders’ agenda. Our policy analyst Vincenzo Scarpetta discusses the main issues at stake and explores possible options to address the situation both in the immediate future and in the longer term.

After the death of hundreds of refugees in the Mediterranean, the EU Commission presented a ten-point action plan on migration on Monday. Among other things sea rescue services are to be improved. Commentators find the plan inadequate and call for a carefully planned development and trade policy, increased measures to inform potential refugees about the risks of migration and the processing of asylum requests in the countries of origin.
Although the EU, US and others have demonstrated a willingness to intervene militarily in Libya or Syria, a willingness to take responsibility for the consequences is woefully lacking.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed in a phone conversation on Sunday (26 April) to maintain contact during talks between Athens and its lenders to reach a debt deal, a Greek government official said.

Southeast Asia and the European Union (EU) agreed yesterday (26 April) to take steps toward resuming stalled talks on a free trade agreement between the two regions.
Podemos came from the streets, social media platforms and out of a horizontal ideology not found in the traditional parties.
Teresa Rodriguez celebrates Podemos coming third in Andalusia. Demoted/JaviTorres. All rights reserved.The party Podemos has been representing the hope of millions of Spaniards to overcome the crisis that hit Spain, part of the massive protests since 2011 that have rocked local political structures and spread throughout Europe. In its internal constitution process and its leadership elections, the party presents a new model of horizontal internal organization, with broad participation from its base in its debates and discussions. It proposes a left-wing programme for the country.

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