2015 AAA Annual Meeting Registration and Refund Details
While the annual meeting (Denver, CO November 18th this year) is still far away, it is never too early to start planning for the event. After all, the invited/volunteer call for papers deadline is April 15th. This year we are introducing a three tiered registration system: Call for Papers, Pre-Registration, and On-Site Registration. Each of these categories is open to any attendee– presenting or not– and we encourage everyone to register early.

[Savage Minds is pleased to publish this essay by Ben Joffe. Ben is a PhD candidate at the University of Colorado. He holds a MA from the University of Capetown, and a Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research dissertation grant for the project “White Robes, Matted Hair: Tibetan Renouncers, Institutional Authority, and the Mediation of Charisma in Exile.”]
Christopher Pinney, UCL Anthropology
The recent events in Paris have focused attention on the complex relationship between different varieties of Islam and the image. Historians will rightly point to a French tradition of anti-clerical satire that reaches back to Diderot’s Supplement to Bougainville’s Voyage of 1771, and which provides a frame through which Charlie Hebdo’s provocations make sense
CHANGES to the Annals of Anthropological Practice
A number of important transitions and changes related to NAPA’s Annals of Anthropological Practice (AAP), formerly known as the NAPA Bulletin series, are underway as we move ahead in 2015.
This is Part II of an interview with Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz, who is an assistant professor of anthropology at Loyola University Chicago. Her 2011 book, Labor and Legality, explores the work and social lives of undocumented busboys in Chicago. Since 2011, Gomberg-Muñoz has been conducting ethnographic research with mixed status couples as they go through the process of legalization; a book manuscript based on that research is in the works. Part I of the interview is here.
Nicknamed ‘Dr. Death,’ forensic anthropologist Walter Birkby dies
Arizona Daily Star
He stayed on as curator of physical anthropology for the Arizona State Museum. He researched remains from some of the major archaeological digs in the Southwest, taught classes for the School of Anthropology and developed his forensic specialty
Anthropologist, former journalist speaks to problems of media on culture
The News Record
Speaker Mark A. Peterson argued that the studies ofanthropology in relation to media devices — how a specific culture reacts to a method or medium of media, or in what ways it utilizes different mediums — is important in recognizing the broad .
A Sandbox for the Anthropocene
Earth: A Primer is a new app that bridges disciplines and allows you to play with our planet.
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