Parliament is set to vote on whether to send four former ministers to the high court to be tried on charges of corruption

A Turkish court has sentenced Tunceli Bar Association head Uğur Yeşiltepe to six years in jail on terrorism charges, making him the first chair of a Turkish bar association to be sentenced to prison since the 1980 military coup.

MHP leader Bahçeli calls on lawmakers from the ruling AKP to ‘make a choice between burglary and law’ ahead of today’s vote of parliament’s General Assembly

The prime minister or any of his ministers will have the right to block any website without a court ruling, according to a new bill

Erdoğan has suggested there is a plot behind the ongoing unrest in Cizre, a town near Turkey’s border with Syria and Iraq, where tension peaked after a 12-year-old boy was shot last week
One of the reasons I moved to Turkey was the fact that was inspired by the collectiveness of the country; that people tried together to change things into better.
Column: Free-speech hypocrites marched in Paris
Lincoln Journal Star
Turkey, which was named the world’s biggest jailer of journalists in 2012 and 2013, ended 2014 by detaining a number of journalists (including Ekrem Dumanli, editor in chief of Zaman, a leading newspaper with links to the moderate Islamic Gulen
Lincoln Journal Star
Turkey, which was named the world’s biggest jailer of journalists in 2012 and 2013, ended 2014 by detaining a number of journalists (including Ekrem Dumanli, editor in chief of Zaman, a leading newspaper with links to the moderate Islamic Gulen

The streets of the Sur, Cudi, Nur and Yafes neighborhoods, where clashes have been intense, are adorned with banners and slogans. I pass through an identity check on every street.

A broad police operation into the so-called “parallel structure” – members of the Gülen movement that had allegedly infiltrated the judiciary and security forces – was launched Jan. 20

A 14-year-old high school student has been taken to hospital with serious head injuries after being struck by a tear-gas canister in Şırnak
L’Est Républicain (France) samedi 17 janvier 2015, p. NCY11 Nancy Questions à Selda Bulbul, responsable de l’association L’association NAKE (Maison culturelle d’Anatolie de Nurhak) organise un séminaire d’orientation à destination des jeunes de la communauté turque dimanche dans ses locaux. Pouvez-vous présenter NAKE ? L’association NAKE rassemble des centaines d’immigrés turcs de l’agglomération nancéienne. Nous […]
Nord Littoral (France) Dimanche 18 janvier 2015, p. 8 Propos recueillis par A.TH. Calaisienne, Anne Andlauer est journaliste en Turquie depuis 2010. Comment les Turcs ont-ils réagi aux attentats de mercredi ? « Comme les Français, les Turcs ont été, dans leur très grande majorité, émus et choqués par ces attentats. Les médias locaux en […]
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