France’s trauma: a hard question
The Paris massacre and its aftershocks must also be considered in the context of the larger war being fought in the Middle East and Africa.
The attack in Paris on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on 7 January 2014 continues to have a profound effect, most sharply in France and western Europe. Both the massacre itself and the events that followed – pursuit, hostage-taking, and further killings – are hugely amplified by the concentrated drama of twenty-four news coverage in and around a densely populated capital city.

Turkish PM Davutoğlu to join Paris attacks rally

Two men suspected of carrying out an arson attack against a German newspaper that reprinted cartoons from the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo have been detained by police

World leaders due at vast Paris rally

VIDEO: France remains on high alert
European interior ministers are due to meet in Paris on Sunday to discuss the threat of terrorism and extremism across the world following the attacks in France.

Netanyahu to French Jews after attacks: ‘Israel is your home’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Jan. 10 told Jews in France, after 17 people were killed there in Islamist attacks, that Israel is their home and his government wants them to immigrate.
French Prime Minister Warns: If Jews Flee, the Republic Will Be Judged a Failure

Religious tolerance, respect
and freedom of expression
Cartoon Festival
January 30th 2015
Universal Tolerance Organization with the vision of global peace, democracy, peaceful coexistence, respect of human rights and sustainable development through tolerance, organizes this festival to support the freedom of expression and respect to human rights.
Charlie Hebdo Is Heroic and Racist
The editors and cartoonists murdered in Wednesday’s attack on French magazine Charlie Hebdo are now martyrs for the cause of free speech. Threatened with death for publishing drawings of the prophet Mohammed meant to mock Islamic radicals, they refused to censor themselves, and so were gunned down. They died bravely for an ideal we all treasure.
The recent flood of commentaries on the Paris bombing of Charlie Hebdo prompted another facile Facebook image change. All of a sudden people who had never read the satire magazine, or even knew it existed, were eager to empathize visually by posting je suis Charlie. I applaud empathy for victims of any horrific murder scenario, but the same day as the cartoonists and policemen were killed, about 40 Yemeni police cadets were killed in an al-Qaeda bombing and now we learn that Boko Haram has brutally murdered more than 2000 Nigerians. So should every one who was mourning the Parisians now switch over to the Yemenis or Nigerians? And if tomorrow there is, as there likely will be, yet more deaths somewhere else, do we just keep je suising along?
35,000 Germans rally in Dresden against racism and xenophobia
A rally against racism and xenophobia on Jan. 10 drew tens of thousands of people in the eastern German city of Dresden
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