Moscow and Ankara will likely focus on finding new ways to enhance their already-tight relationship during Russian president’s high-level Ankara visit
The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and Renaissance Holding of Turkey have agreed to jointly invest in projects across Russia’s regions

Danish politicians have reacted furiously to the Turkish EU minister’s remarks criticizing Denmark’s decision to report Turkey to the EU due to an ongoing row over the release of a Danish writer’s suspected shooter.

A decrease in Turkey’s military spending has been accompanied by a rise in domestic security expenditures. ‘Turkey is becoming a security state,’ says Nurhan Yentürk from the Public Expenditures Monitoring Platform

At least 50 jihadists were killed in the embattled border town in suicide bombings, clashes with Kobane’s Kurdish defenders and air strikes, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said
Los Angeles Times (CA) November 29, 2014, p. A1 & A4 By Glen Johnson and Patrick J. McDonnell, Ankara, Turkey A $615-million (so far) presidential residence proves as divisive as President Erdogan’s rule. From the hilltop mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, founder of the Turkish Republic, a panoramic sweep of this modern capital shows skyscrapers
GTE Commentary (Istituto Affari Internazionali) No. 20, November 2014, 3 p. by Ömer Taşpınar * Over the last 10 years Erdoğan’s chief accomplishment has been to establish the supremacy of civilian rule in Turkey. After 40 years in which the military ousted four governments, Turkish democracy no longer operates at gunpoint. Yet, the current rift

Pope Francis has voiced his hope for the opening of the Turkey-Armenia border, during a flight back to Rome after a three-day visit to Turkey
The idea was to reach out to Muslims, but Pope Francis got a distinctly prickly reception from his hosts during his first trip to Turkey.
Despite new dangers, decades of separation seem to have worn away at the desire to fix the problem.
Le Journal du Dimanche (France) 30 novembre 2014, p. 1-10-11 Marie-Christine Tabet, envoyée spéciale à Istanbul (Turquie) En visite à Istanbul, à la frontière des mondes chrétien et musulman, le pape a appelé au dialogue interreligieux et osé un geste audacieux contre « le fondamentalisme » , une prière dans la Mosquée bleue. p. 10
Le Figaro (France) no. 21869, vendredi 28 novembre 2014, p. 10 Jean-Marie Guénois, Envoyé spécial à Ankara François, qui arrive vendredi à Ankara avant de se rendre à Istanbul, rencontrera des réfugiés venus d’Irak. Avec ses 58 prêtres et ses 53 000 fidèles, l’Église catholique de Turquie a la modestie d’un diocèse rural français, mais
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