Seven top figures from the Muslim Brotherhood who are being forced to leave Qatar are welcome to come to Turkey, according to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
ISIL drawing a steady stream of recruits from Turkey: Report

Turkey is one of the biggest source of recruits for ISIL militants, the New York Times has reported
ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkey’s military is drawing up plans for a possible “buffer zone” on the country’s southern border, where it faces a threat from Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, Turkish media quoted President Tayyip Erdogan as saying on Monday. The government will evaluate the plans and decide whether such a move is necessary, Turkish television stations quoted Erdogan as telling

Yes, there are, for sure; but only as many as there can ever be in any broad formation. In other words, they are scarce

Erdoğan has accused the agencies of political motives in their assessments of the Turkish economy

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey said that Muslim Brotherhood leaders could be granted entry to Turkey as long as laws permitted
Today’s Zaman (Turkey) Monday, September 15, 2014, p. 9 Yonca Poyraz Doğan, Istanbul While US Secretary of State John Kerry was on a trip through the Middle East and Europe recently to gather commitments of support against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) — which now calls itself the Islamic State (IS)
The Washington Times Daily (USA) September 15, 2014, p. A9 Desmond Butler, Istanbul (Associated Press) Turkey is the big Muslim power that sits atop raging conflicts in Iraq and Syria, so it might be expected to take a leading role in the NATO coalition announced this month to take on the Islamic State group. Instead
Erdogan says Turkey could take in Muslim Brotherhood leaders ousted from Qatar
WSJ – Yeliz Candemir – Sep 15, 5:04 AM – ISTANBUL—Turkey’s seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate jumped to a three-and-half-year high in June, as the slowing economy took its toll on the country’s labor market. Data released by the Turkish Statistical Institute Monday showed that
nytimes.com – Ceylan Yeginsu – Sep 16 – ANKARA, Turkey — Having spent most of his youth as a drug addict in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Turkey’s capital, Can did not think he had much to lose when he was smuggled into Syria with 10 of his childhood friends to join the…
Le Figaro (France) n° 21803, vendredi 12 Septembre 2014, p. 2 Nare Hakikat « La base d’Incirlik s’ouvre au soutien logistique et humanitaire contre l’État islamique », titrait mercredi le journal turc Radikal. Ankara s’apprête en effet à autoriser les avions militaires américains, uniquement dans un but humanitaire et logistique, à utiliser la base d’Incirlik
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