Finding The Anthropology In Latin Dance Music
“If I’m going to talk about dancing, I’m going to try to look at a very deep and emotional and anthropological, even biological side, of it,” he says. “What it means, music and dancing, for us, as a species.” Drexler is not your ordinary songwriter: He .

Weaponizing Anthropology: An Overview
OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY by Maximilian Forte
Weaponizing Anthropology: Social Science in Service of the Militarized State.
By David H. Price. Published by CounterPunch and AK Press, Petrolia and Oakland, CA, 2011. ISBN-13: 9781849350631. 219 pages.
Big Data and Small: Collaborations between ethnographers and data scientists
Oxford Internet Institute –
Heather Ford on 6 August 2014 at 18:44PM
This article first appeared in Big Data and Society journal published by Sage and is licensed by the author under a Creative Commons Attribution license. [PDF] Abstract In the past three years, Heather Ford—an ethnographer and now a PhD student—has worked on ad hoc collaborative projects around Wikipedia sources with two data scientists from
Anthropology at the margins: A report of EASA 2014
Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology — A Group Blog
(This guest blog comes to us from Theodoros Kyriakides. Theo is a PhD student at the University of Manchester social anthropology department, currently writing his thesis on the political and subjective dimensions of thalassaemia in Cyprus. You can follow him on twitter at @bio_karneia. -Rx)
Tuberculosis: more anthropologists wanted
Culture Matters by Paul Mason
Nhat preparing a sample to be tested in the GeneXpert system
If tuberculosis (TB) is so often described as the quintessential social disease, why aren’t more researchers in the social sciences and humanities studying this global problem?
A good article on ‘uncontacted tribes’
Savage Minds: Notes and Queries in Anthropology —
Over at the BBC’s “Future” website, science journalist Rachel Nuwer has a 2,000 word piece up entitled Anthropology: The sad truth about ‘uncontacted tribes’. The piece focuses on Latin America, but is refreshing because it manages to avoid the usual clichés about ‘stone age innocents’. “Today’s so-called uncontacted people all have a history of contact, whether from past exploitation or simply seeing a plane flying overhead,” Nuwer writes. “It is almost always fear that motivates such hostilities and keeps isolated groups from making contact. In past centuries and even decades, isolated tribes were often murdered and enslaved by outsiders.”
Neanderthals Coexisted with Humans for More Than 5000 Years
Anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals were both living in Europe for up to 5,400 years, says a new study conducted by Oxford University researcher Prof Thomas Higham and his colleagues. Neanderthal. Image credit: Trustees of the Natural History …
Neanderthals and humans had ‘ample time’ to mix
Analysis: Neanderthals thrived in Europe much longer than previously thought
A little Neanderthal in us all: Australian scientists
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