open Democracy News Analysis – by Fernando Betancor
Who are the people voting for Podemos? An analysis of election data reveals some surpising results…
I?ve be following the impact of the ?Podemos? phenomenon on Spanish politics since the European elections late last May. It is not too much of an exaggeration to say that the effect has been revolutionary: the King of Spain has abdicated to ensure that the Succession Law required by the Spanish Constitution would be passed by an overwhelmingly friendly Parliament, something that could not be guaranteed after the next election given the mood of the country.
Podemos: Spain?s new ?transmedia? party
media/anthropology by John Postill
One of the biggest surprises in the recent European elections has been the sudden rise of the Spanish party Podemos (?We Can?), which obtained 8% of the vote in Spain. Podemos is a 4-month old, leftist formation rooted in the indignados (15M) movement and led by the charismatic political scientist Pablo Iglesias, 35. The following passage (my rough translation) is from a thoughtful analysis of the elections published today by another 15M-based party, Partido X, which is currently critically reviewing its own campaign. It contains an intriguing reference to Podemos? successful ?transmedia? approach worthy of further research and reflection.
?[…] Podemos have done a masterful, strategic job and have doubtless carried out the most intelligent and effective electoral campaign amongst all of us [new] contenders.
They have managed to anticipate and lay the groundwork thanks to the efforts of Pablo Iglesias and his colleagues with whom he created La Tuerka [a successful TV programme shown via YouTube] with great self-reliance and skill.
With this independent, original programme ? a labour of love ? they first carved out a sizeable niche audience, and then a space sustained by more resource- and infrastructure-rich media organisations such as HispanTV or [the online newspaper]Público. It was the latter media outlet that eventually became their headquarters, an outlet whose information flow they were able to directly shape, practically turning it into their campaign?s main communication media. Pablo Iglesias then participated as a skilful counterpoint in the political debates broadcast by the [conservative TV channel] Intereconomía, from which he made the leap into the [mainstream channels] Cuatro and la Sexta as a twice-weekly current affairs panelist, thereby creating a highly recognisable persona in his claims and demands.
It was only after all this groundwork was laid that Podemos attacked the electoral front, achieving a highly effective combination of TV work and a ?transmedia? use of social media in order to feed back and replicate its message.?
Why is EU torn on Commission chief?
BBC News | Europe |
Why is EU torn over top Commission post?
A Map Of Europe, According To Google Autocomplete ? The Huffington Post UK ? May 2 ? It’s amazing what happens why you type ‘Why…’ and the name of a nationality into Google… (Created for HuffPost UK Comedy by @TechnicallyRon) Contribute to this Story: Send us a tip Send us a photo or video Suggest a correction
Europe: Trade and Economic Relations with China 2014
Source: Directorate-General for External Policies (EU) Abstract: Although China managed to sustain its previous year?s level of economic growth in 2013, its economy is headed towards further change and possible upheaval. Beijing has accordingly widened its focus, and is no longer concentrating solely on economic growth. Inflation remained stable in
Europe?s Far Right Inspires Russians
Global Voices Online by Marina Smolnikova
French politician Marine Le Pen has filled many Russians with the hope that they aren’t alone in skepticism about the EU. Images mixed by Kevin Rothrock.
Scapegoating Europe? How discontent with domestic politics determined the EU vote
open Democracy News Analysis – by Sofia Vasilopoulou and Daphne Halikiopoulou
The success of far-right eurosceptic parties in the latest EU elections has been widely reported, however the results of these parties has varied across the different member states and with different causes.
Thousands of Spaniards Demand a Republic Following the King’s Abdication
Global Voices Online by Marianna Breytman
View of Puerta del Sol (Madrid) during the demonstration on June 2. Photo uploaded to Twitter by Danips.
Monday, June 2, 2014, will go down in Spain’s history as the day that King Juan Carlos I abdicated his throne. According to his own words, ?A new generations is claiming the leading role (?). Today, a younger generation deserves to move to the frontline.? Within hours, hundreds of thousands of citizens hit the streets throughout the country calling for a referendum that would allow them to decide whether to keep the monarchy or to replace it with a republic in which they could elect a head of state.
MAIN FOCUS: Benchmark interest rate at new record low | 06/06/2014
The European Central Bank cut the benchmark interest rate to a historic low of 0.15 percent on Thursday in a bid to prevent deflation. In addition banks will be made to pay a penalty interest for parking money with the ECB. Cheap money is important to stimulate the recovery in Europe’s crisis countries, some commentators write approvingly. Others say that the measures only punish savers
A new judicial inquiry confirms that clan-based organised crime has extended its influence to northern Italy.

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