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Protester kicking away teargas cannister
From OccupyGeziPics: an uncredited photo of a woman in at the Turkish anti-government/pro-democracy protests kicking away a tear-gas cannister. It’s an amazing shot — like something out of a Banksy stencil come to life. Do you know who took it?
First Reflections on the Gezi Park Protests
BÜLENT is collecting the reactions of writers and activists to the first days of this protest. Some of these are eyewitness accounts, while some of these people watched from afar. All have walked down the streets they now see flaming under clear sunshine in the past ? and some of them have walked down them under just as much fire, many years ago.
Thoughts on the Revolution they almost forgot to televise
Maureen Freely, novelist and translator
Why Turks are fighting to take back Istanbul

When Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a speech in Washington two weeks ago, he didn’t dwell on the crisis in Syria or the Middle East peace process. Instead, he wanted to talk about a construction project: His government had recently inked a $29 billion deal to build Istanbul’s third airport. It would be able to handle 100 million passengers a year, he boasted, potentially making it the largest in the world.
The Gezi Park occupation: confronting authoritarian neoliberalism
Gas, gas, gas, it is the only way they deal with problems that come under one heading.
On May 28 an impromptu occupation began in Istanbul?s central Gezi Park following the news that the metropolitan municipality had sent bulldozers to demolish the park. The park was doomed as it sits on the pathway of a new urban restructuring programme which included the transformation of the green zone into another superfluous shopping complex.
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