The first pose after the assassination attempt appeared yesterday:
Turkish singer shot in attack to be released from intensive care – Monsters and Critics
Rape in Turkey: between incitement, complicity and silence, Sertaç Sehlikoğlu
There has been a rise in public debates about rape and sexual assaults in Turkey, since the broadcast of the new soap opera, What is Fatmagül’s Fault?. This TV drama covers the tragic story of a young woman raped by four men and forced to marry one of them. In the last seven years, violence and sex crimes against women have increased by 1400% in Turkey; the soap opera merely reflects public discomfort regarding this trend. According to the report Bianet News compiled from the press, last year 217 women were murdered and 164 women were injured at the hands of their male relatives. Over a quarter of these women were murdered by spouses they were trying to reject or divorce. 207 women and children were raped, while 381 were sexually abused; in total 90% were abused by men they knew closely, such as their relatives, friends and teachers.
Vengeance et crime organisé : 20 suspects arrêtés dans l?affaire Ibrahim Tatlises
Les équipes de police chargées de l?enquête n?ont pas traîné. Moins de 3 jours après l?attaque contre Ibrahim Tatlises, une vingtaine de suspects ont été arrêtés. Parmi ceux-ci Abdullah Uçmak, une vieille connaissance du chanteur, qui assaissonne un chapelet de jurons sur la vidéo de son arrestation à Pendik. Normal qu?il ne soit pas content, il venait de sortir de prison.
Magnificent Century divides Turkish TV viewers over the life of Suleiman
Smash-hit soap opera based on Ottoman empire’s most revered leader, Suleiman the Magnificent, provokes 70,000 complaints
For the show’s producers, it is nothing less than a magnificent controversy. Muhtesem Yuzyil, or Magnificent Century, a lavish primetime soap opera about Suleiman the Magnificent and Hurrem, the slave who became his powerful wife, is as admired in Istanbul as it is reviled.
The Dirt, and the Soap, on the Ottoman Empire
Top 10 Perks to Living in Turkey
There’s a lot to like about living abroad: the daily challenges of speaking a foreign language, the small triumphs over hurdles you thought you couldn’t possibly handle, the widening of your outlook on the world and life in general.
The Soap About Suleiman And The Sultana
Muhtesem Yuzyil or Magnificent Century, the soap opera. OK, I think the show is cheesy and simplistic, but I watch it slavishly and have become irritable that Episode 10 has been inexplicably delayed. I?m like a lab rat pressing the lever to get its food pellet, checking YouTube continuously.
Turkish national drink rakı exudes exoticism, strength and masculinity
Turkey won a gold medal and 5 silver medals at this year?s first international wine competition ?Vinalies Internationales? organized by the Union des Oenologues de France.
Touristes au Newroz de Yüksekova, le médiateur et la giffle de la députée.
Comme c?était prévisible, les festivités de Newroz ont rassemblé des milliers de personnes à Hakkari le dimanche 20 mars et à Yüksekova le lendemain. Et évidemment, il avait de l?ambiance ! Au delà des symboles – le rouge vert jaune des couleurs kurdes, les drapeaux à l?effigie du leader du PKK – et des slogans, on sent le plaisir des habitants de la région à être ensemble en affirmant qui ils sont (ce qui leur a longtemps été interdit). Cela me rappelle le sourire jubilatoire accompagnant le ? burasi Kurdistan ! ? – ici c?est le Kurdistan – du père d?une petite fille rencontrée à un mariage, la première fois que j? étais venue à Hakkari, il y a une dizaine d?années.
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