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On Air Live at 4 pm New York Time/9 pm United Kingdom Time
The next episode of “This Week in WikiLeaks” will air live at 4 pm New York Time/9 pm United Kingdom Time. The guest this week will be freelance investigative journalist, author and filmmaker Andy Worthington, who is known for covering Guantanamo Bay prison, torture and the wider “war on terror.” [For Worthington’s full bio click here.]
2011-03-05 ‘This Week in WikiLeaks’ Podcast – Bradley Manning’s Forced Nudity at Quantico & Spanish Gitmo Investigation Continues
2011-03-04 Is Bradley Manning being treated like a Guantanamo detainee?
WikiLeaks vs. Private Eye on anti-Semitic rant

As everyone knows, celebrity anti-Semitic rants come in threes. So it may come as no surprise that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is being accused of joining the ranks of Galliano and Sheen.
How Technology, Social Media Is Making Life Hard for Dictators
This is the third of our on-the-ground reports from Cairo, Egypt, from Jaron Gilinsky. In this video report, Jaron considers the effects of social media on the Egyptian revolution.
I wondered how Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak eventually knew about the hundreds of thousands of people in the streets calling for his resignation. Surely, he had many agents on the streets providing him information, but how did he ever see the pictures? Egyptian State television was showing children’s programming and soap operas while molotov cocktails were being hurled at government buildings outside its studios. Perhaps, just once, he took a quick sneak-peak at the stations run by those “saboteurs” at Al Jazeera or CNN? Did he, at the ripe old age of 82, ever log on to YouTube or Bamboozer to see one of the thousands of videos posted from Tahrir Square?
Facebook?s Growing Role in Social Journalism
from Mashable! by Vadim Lavrusik
Julian Assange Loses Case, Is To Be Extradited To Sweden
from Mashable! by Stan Schroeder
Assange?s legal odyssey: Next stop, Strasbourg?
Why Data Mining Is the Next Frontier for Social Media Marketing
from Mashable! by Chris Boorman
PayPal?s corporate McCarthyism , Ryan Gallagher
WikiLeaks Is Up for a Nobel Peace Prize
from Mashable! by Jolie O’Dell
Notes on Richard Stallman?s free software talk at Sheffield Hallam
The founder of the Free Software movement, Richard Stallman, gave a talk this past 3 March 2011 at my home institution, Sheffield Hallam University (England). The talk was entitled ?The Danger of Software Patents?. Unfortunately I haven?t got time for a full summary or the expertise for a learned discussion, but I do have a spare moment for some quick notes from memory:
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