The idiotic gap
Bad weekend for EU-Turkey relations
from – Headline News
Return our Sphinx or Else…Fernstehen?
Mavi Boncuk
Return our sphinx or else, Turkey tells Germany
Turkey’s culture minister on Thursday demanded Germany return an ancient sphinx uncovered from a German archeological dig nearly a century ago or it would revoke permits for other excavations. Ertugrul Gunay told the Tagesspiegel daily in an interview that German authorities had until the start of the digging season in June to hand back the priceless artefact, thought to date from around 1400 BC.
Turkey Almost Says…Take This EU and Shove it…
Tilting their hat to Johnny Paycheck. Turkey is singing a similar song…Take This EU and Shove it… No fat lady in sight so far to take over. So Turkey keeps on horse trading for 50 years. By the way the horse today has an average life expectancy of 25 to 30 years. The end result could be in vain. As the saying goes, maybe ‘Ati alan Uskudari gecti’.
Mavi Boncuk |
European Union ministers have approved a deal with Turkey on the readmission of illegal immigrants but refrained from authorizing the EU Commission to begin talks with Ankara on visa liberalization for Turkish nationals, calling, instead, for an ambiguous ?visa dialogue.?
Turkish Leader’s Cultural Remarks Irk German Politicians
French President, Sarkozy, Faces Turkish Critics

France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy (L) meets with Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara February 25, 2011. REUTERS/Kayhan Ozer/Prime Minister’s Press Office/Handout
Sarkozy?s low-profile visit to Turkey
Nicolas Sarkozy en Turquie : le maire d?Ankara mâche un chewing-gum et autres petites piques.
from YOL (routes de Turquie et d’ailleurs) by anne
Turkey’s EU-phemism is ‘Middle East Coal and Steel Community’
Sarkozy?s visit
Two French politicians who failed to comprehend Turkish-French geopolitics
Turkey to confront Sarkozy on opposition to EU bid –
Will the visa obligation for Turks be abolished?
Turkey?s popularity and power
It is Impossible to Understand Sarkozy?s Policy on Turkey
ANKARA- French President Nicholas Sarkozy pays a formal visit to Turkey on February 25. However, he is acting like this was a reluctant visit made by force.
Turkey faces struggle to revive EU bid | Reuters
Germany hits back after Turkish PM tells immigrants to resist assimilation
Recep Tayyip Erdogan told 10,000 in Düsseldorf that children of Turkish immigrants should learn Turkish before German
Germany has hit back at explosive remarks by Turkey’s prime minister, who told his compatriots that they should learn Turkish before German and resist assimilation into German society.
Turkey as a ‘Companion’ not a ‘Model’ to the Middle East
Mehmet Yegin, USAK Center for American Studies
The situation in the Middle East is getting complicated with the spread of the societal movements to Yemen, Bahrain and Libya. It became more difficult to follow the developments in all these states. Yet, the attention shift to the uneasy countries should not cause losing the track of successful movements to overthrow the symbol names. The central concern is not the change of the names but the change of whole system. Thus, the international community that endorsed the democratic demands of the streets should also endorse them during the democratization process. In this regard, particularly Egyptian democratization process is crucial since it have the potential to influence the others.
Repercussions of Sarkozy?s ?cold? visit
Islamists Look to Turkey for Inspiration
As revolutions across the Mideast bring religious parties within sight of real political power, Turkey?s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is becoming the region?s go-to man for Islamist leaders looking for a makeover. Tunisia?s exiled Islamist leader Rached Ghannouchi, who is scheduled to visit Ankara in March, believes that Erdogan?s Justice and Development Party (AKP) has shown others how
The Fading Dream of Europe in Turkey
Religion and Work Ethic Values: The Case of Turkey
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