Turkish version of Mavi Marmara report is released and tension likely to continue. U.S. ambassador to Turkey Francis Riccardione’s statements on Oda.Tv arrests were not welcome by the ruling government.
Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, right, and his counterpart Irsen Kucuk of Northern Cyprus shake hands prior to a meeting in Ankara, Turkey, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011. (AP Photo/Adem Altan, Pool)
Turkish Report on Mavi Marmara Incident
A Turkish panel investigating an Israeli raid on a Gaza-bound aid flotilla that left nine Turkish citizens dead last May presented the final version of its report on the case to the UN on February 11th. Click here for the full English version of the report:

Newly-appointed U.S. ambassador to Turkey Francis Riccardione speaks during a business meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011. Turkey’s government has criticized the ambassador for his comments about this country’s press freedoms.? Read more » (AP Photo)
Open letter to Ambassador Ricciardone
FEATURE-Turkey’s conspiracy cases put press freedom on trial
Among thousands of reporters targeted by investigations over their stories on the alleged “Ergenekon” coup plots many are being tried in cases which have highlighted broader worries about press freedom in the European Union candidate country.
11:23 US says concerned over treatment of journalists in Turkey
Ricciardone was talking about recent police raid on an internet news portal and four people detained after the raid in connection with Ergenekon coup probe. A US Department of State spokesman stood behind US Ambassador to Turkey, saying US government
Turkish FM criticizes US envoy’s remarks on press
Turkey bashes Israel in final report on deadly ship raid

A member of Turkey’s security forces stands guard during a broadcast of Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan speech in a ceremony to lay the base stone of a Friendship Dam between Syria and Turkey in al-Allani village, northern Syria February 6, 2011. The barrage is estimated to irrigate 10,000 hectares of agricultural land in both countries and generate 16 million kilowatt-hours of electricity every year, according to local media.? Read more » REUTERS/Khaled al-Hariri
Turkey, KKTC diatribe
Where’s Turkey? Eight Years of AKP Rule Leave a Question Mark
The Media Line
Soli Ozel, a professor of International relations at Turkey’s Bilgi University, said Turkey was already moving in the direction of a more balanced foreign
Turkey?s uphill route to the EU
The Cyprus-Turkey deadlock, lack of dialogue among Turkish political parties and the undermining of press freedom and other basic rights in Turkey are the key factors slowing down its EU accession talks, say Foreign Affairs Committee MEPs in their resolution, approved on Thursday, on the 2010 progress report on Turkey.”
Test Driving the “Turkish Model”
Ethics, US Congress, and Turkish-Armenian intrigue
TPM does a good job of outlining what exactly the current inquiry is and what it covers, so I highly recommend reading that first. The Cliffs Note version is that complaints have been filed with the Office of Congressional Ethics that Schmidt is receiving legal assistance from the Turkish Coalition of America. Schmidt?s lawyer, Bruce Fein, ?is an attorney with the Turkish American Legal Defense Fund and a resident scholar at the Turkish Coalition of America.? The issue seems to be whether Fein did any work for Schmidt that was paid for by the TCA.
So is the Aegean one big Cordonne Sanitaire? Turkey has an issue with North Cyprus (KKTC)
Arab revolt makes Turkey a regional power
Where the Germans Speak Gibberish: A Comic Take on the Immigrant Experience – SPIEGEL ONLINE – News – International
EU’s visa regime is unjust and unlawful, Turkish official says
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