Egypt: and Tor team up to fight the Internet blackout, you can help
by NickKristof: “pro-democracy protesters taking photos with soldiers on Tahrir. Hope they stay friendly.
Egypt: Real Change Comes from the Street
I commented some years ago on the troubles that Egypt and related tyrant-run countries faced in the coming years. Saudi Arabia will not be far behind and the word will be better off when the House of Saud is toppled.
Egypt report from Human Rights Watch: “Impunity for Torture Fuels Days of Rage”
from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin
Egypt: A New Spirit of National Pride
Phone-to-Twitter bridge for use in an Internet-less Egypt
Over the weekend, engineers from Google, Twitter and SayNow (a recent Google acquisition) built a phone-to-Twitter bridge to allow Egyptians to transmit and receive #jan25-related tweets without accessing the Internet:
List of missing people in Egypt
Egypt: 6 Al Jazeera reporters arrested by military, then released (updated)
from Boing Boing by Xeni Jardin
Looting in Egypt
from Digging Digitally by Francis Deblauwe
Spoof on US State Department’s Position on Egyptian Protests
from ethnografix by Ryan Anderson
The Song of the Nonaligned Nile

from Anticopyright-tr Blog by anticopyrighttr
Other despots should quail

We?ve Waited For This Revolution For Years. Other Despots Should Quail
By Mona Eltahawy, The Observer, January 29, 2011,
What’s Happening in Egypt, the Action Movie Explainer: “Raiders of the Lost Mubarak”
from Boing Boing by Sean Bonner
Egypt: Last ISP Goes Offline, Fears of Losing Mobile Networks
Written by Jillian C. York
This post is part of our special coverage of Egypt Protests 2011.
Following a near-blackout of Internet service on January 27, it seems that the last remaining ISP?Noor Group, which has approximately 8% of market share?has now been cut off as well, leaving Egyptians without any form of Internet access.
@Weddady, a Boston-based activist, tweeted around 4pm EST:
How Journalists Are Using Social Media to Report on the Egyptian Demonstrations
from Mashable! by Vadim Lavrusik
Some weekend work that will (hopefully) enable more Egyptians to be heard
Like many people we?ve been glued to the news unfolding in Egypt and thinking of what we could do to help people on the ground. Over the weekend we came up with the idea of a speak-to-tweet service?the ability for anyone to tweet using just a voice connection.
In Egypt and Tunisia the will of the people is not a hollow cliche | Peter Hallward
from Continental Philosophy by Farhang Erfani
Iran: ?Our friend Mr. ElBaradei? in Egypt
Written by Hamid Tehrani
Iranian bloggers from across the political spectrum continue to share their opinions on uprisings in the Arab world.
Democracy is back, how awkward
Media Life and Protests in the Arab World
It is safe to say that just about every news organization and technology-blog spends significant time these days engaging with the ongoing protests and turmoil across the Arab world and the role of internet and mobile media in general and Al-Jazeera, Twitter, Facebook, and texting in particular.
EGYPT: Mubarak’s Survival Strategy
Mubarak’s strategy for combating the open source protest is now becoming clear. It’s to create a vacuum. De-escalate and out-wait the protest.
Haaretz Makes a Case for Egypt
EGYPT: How to Lead and Open Source Protest
Open source protests are composed of people with very different views of the world brought together by a single achievable idea.
Egypt: Tunis, Tehran or something else again
By Patricia H. Kushlis
It always amazes me how the pundits ? and others ? are so willing to extend advice albeit often unsolicited when an administration is faced with a foreign crisis. The most egregious proffered that I?ve recently encountered was by Elliot Abrams who devoted an entire Washington Post commentary on Saturday to describe how the Bush administration had it right in terms of the necessity to send in the troops, er, I mean press hard for democratizing the Middle East and the Obama administration has been too soft on dictators including, of course, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.
2011-01-30 Million Egyptian Protest Planned as Resistance Continues
It is morning again in Cairo as I post this. The curfew ended at 8:00am and the people of Egypt enter the seventh day of their history making struggle. A famous poem by the early 20th century Tunisian poet Abu al-Qasim al-Shabi, “To the Tyrants of the World” [hear it on NPR] has become a rallying cry in both Tunisia and Egypt.
Understanding Egypt
Political protests in Egypt are ongoing at the time of this writing, mainly in Cairo, Alexandria and some other cities. Who knows what will unfold in the near future? What do cultural anthropologists offer to inform our understanding of this new social movement?
The Heroic People of Egypt
from OPEN ANTHROPOLOGY by M. Jamil Hanifi
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