Israeli soldiers stand guard on a missile ship as the Israeli navy intercepts a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in the Mediterranean Sea on May 31, 2010. An Israeli probe ruled on Sunday that a May 2010 raid on Gaza-bound aid ships that killed nine Turks was in keeping with international law, a finding which “stunned and dismayed” Ankara. (AFP/POOL/File/Uriel Sinai)
Turkel Report on Mavi Marmara
Turkey’s prime minister is dismissing an Israeli inquiry’s findings defending the actions of Israeli troops in the deadly interception of a Turkish-led protest flotilla to Gaza last year. Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters in Ankara on Sunday that the Israeli report had “no value or credibility.” In response to the world’s outrage (except the U.S.) against Israel’s May 31st murderous attack on peace activists aboard the “Free Gaza Flotilla” delivering humanitarian aid to besieged Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu and his Cabinet on Monday, June 14, 2010 voted in favor of creating an internal commission called the “Independent Public Commission” that includes three Israelis and two foreign observers to investigate the legality and circumstances of the IDF’s raid on the Flotilla that led to the death of nine Turkish peace activists. As its practice Israel has never allowed an international investigation of its war crimes. Israel flatly rejected the U.N.’s “statement” calling for such an investigation.
Mavi Boncuk |
The Turkel Report
Mavi Boncuk | The Turkel Report states:
At the request and appointment by the Most Honorable Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Turkel Commission carried out its duty faithfully, transparently, and in an open and fair minded manner depending solely on the facts as presented by Israel is proud to issue its final report as follows: It was a deep honor to serve Israel and its Jewish people.
Turkey’s Status Buoyed As Six Powers, Iran Arrive In Istanbul
Turkey rejects Israel raid report
Turkey?s Role in Middle East Is Bolstered by Vision of Foreign Minister
2011-01-20 Welt Online: Wikileaks cables indicate that Israel believes Turkey is lost to the West
The German language website Welt Online continued publication of WikiLeaks cables critical of Turkey, in their bid to “Break the WikiLeaks Cartel”. According to cables cited today, the opening of the PLO Embassy in Turkey was only an excuse for Abbas’ visit in 2009, and Israel considers Turkey to be “lost to the west”.
Dag Daga Kavusmaz Insan Insana Kavusurmus
US Ambassador to Turkey Francis J. Ricciardone on Thursday expressed pleasure at being posted to Ankara and voiced the will to further improve bilateral relations between his country and its NATO ally.
Mavi Boncuk |
?Merhabalar [Hello in Turkish],? Ricciardone said upon his arrival at the Ankara International Esenboğa Airport. ?Turkey is a very important country both for its region and for the US. Each passing day, it is becoming a more important, heavyweight and influential country,? Ricciardone was quoted as saying by the Anatolia news agency as he continued his remarks in English. ?That?s why, as President [Barack] Obama said, my duty is advancing the alliance between the two countries and the friendship between peoples,? he added, while describing Turkey as ?a special and cute country? for himself and his family.
Turkey presses role as Mideast referee
The Wall Street Journal (USA), January 22, 2011
By Marc Champion in Istanbul and Farnaz Fassihi in Beirut
Turkey?s involvement in attempts to resolve two of the Middle East?s toughest diplomatic disputes this week has underscored its emergence as a key player in the region, after decades spent on the sidelines.
On Friday, diplomats from the major world powers began talks in Istanbul on Iran?s nuclear program aimed at unblocking a years-long stalemate over whether Tehran should suspend production of nuclear fuel, a process that can be used to make nuclear weapons as well as civilian-grade fuel.
“Ankara Memorandum: Ending Precarity ? Acting Now for A Sustainable Future” by SEJ
Our colleagues from the SUPI Network have recently produced a memorandum on precarious employment. The document is based on a conference that took place in Ankara in November 2010. Here is the memorandum in full:
The Need for a Correct Interpretation: The Complexity of Change
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