not much but a good sign for the moment…
from NYT > Turkey by By ETHAN BRONNER
Israel is in the uncomfortable position of having to ask for foreign assistance to put out a forest fire that has already left 41 dead.
Every tragedy brings its own set of challenges as well as opportunities to exploit, so that further damage might be contained if one learns one?s lessons and makes the necessary adjustments. The extension of tragedy into diplomacy often brings a windfall of goodwill under which a more constructive dialogue can be achieved.
from Yahoo news
Turkey is transforming. Ankara is developing economic and diplomatic relations with its neighbours, prompting many in the global community to talk of ?axis shift?. Turkish President Abdullah Gül has given a candid interview to euronews mapping out where his country might be heading next.
from Hurriyet Dailynews
Ambassador Marc Pierini shares anecdotes from his dialogues with businessmen, musicians and authors all complaining to him about visa procedures. He says any time he asks for a concrete example he encounters a kind of ‘funny situation’
by Louis Fishman
Last week, while on a bus in Israel a religious Jewish soldier sat behind me listening to Ibrahim Tatlises on his Ipod. Turning towards him, I asked him what he was listening to and he happily exclaimed ?İbrahim,? and said, ?Turkish music is the best, and all the Israeli Mizrahi (Arabesk) singers copy many of their songs so it is much better to hear it in the original.?
Turkey?s fascination with the US gradually grew after World War II and during the 1950s. For Turkey, the US meant democracy. It meant development. It meant power. The US was a country that set an example for Turkey.
Every single report on US-Turkish relations in the last three years has put an emphasis on increasing bilateral economic relations between the two countries. Despite different expectations from enhanced economic cooperation, both the US and Turkish policymakers agree that this cooperation is necessary for a healthy strategic alliance.
from U.S.A.K. Blog by USAK

Participating in the ?De Pappenheimers? quiz show of the VRT TV, President of the Flemish Parliament Jan Peter Peumans shocked Turkish people in Turkey and Belgium by implying that Turks are the most disgusting nation .
from Mavi Boncuk by M.A.M

An economy that performs at both ends of the scale. A double fisted foray into the international and local markets. Being the 6th largest economy as compared to the 27 EU countries surely does help.
(Salih Memecan cartoon: Turkish President A. Gul and PM R.T. Erdogan
in the boat. Eu ship is sinking. Title: Things in reverse. “Alsak mi? Should we take him him?”
Mavi Boncuk |
The European Union released its 2010 progress report on Turkey on Nov. 11, 2010. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government welcomed the report containing some critiques against the Turkish state.
Turkey’s Davutoğlu warned US about Iraq request, new book reveals
from Hurriyet Dailynews
A new book says the US was warned in adavence that it might be diasppointed if its request to use Turkish soil to invade Iraq in 2003 is turned down. It was Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, who was an advisor at the time, that warned US officials, according to the book by journalist Gürkan Zengin. The book also provides previously unknown details of the educational and professional background of Davutoğlu, one of the most influencial officials shaping Turkey’s foreign policy
from Blogactiv
They hectically organize events; meet in a variety of forums, hold bi-lateral summits. No, this is not US; it is the smaller candidates on their way to accede to EU. They have offices in Brussels. They excel at creating opportunities for get-togethers. Without, fail, their delegates meet EU officials or parliamentarians each day. They meet […]
Every country designs its own foreign policy taking national interests into consideration and implements accordingly. And each government has its own unique way to govern the country.
The Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government in Turkey has changed foreign policy outlook recently from traditional West-centered, or U.S. and EU indexed, policies to ?self-defining,? original, unique policies.”
from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Columnists by BERİL DEDEOĞLU
One of the most important outcomes of the Lisbon Summit was the confirmation of NATO?s monopoly over Europe?s defense. In a sense, this is the end of the NATO-EU relationship as we know it. Thorough discussions about these relations were held during NATO?s summit in Rome in 1991, and they deepened following the establishment of the European Union as the new phase of the European integration movement in 1992.
Questions began pouring in immediately following our return from the NATO summit in Lisbon, which addressed the missile defense shield issue. What did Turkey gain in this summit? Were all of Ankara?s requests met as reflected in the media? When are the missiles arriving?
Former US Ambassador to Ankara Edelman is living a life detached from reality. We see that the Jewish lobby in Washington in general is in this same mood from articles by Mehmet Ali Birand.
There are several reasons frozen conflicts remain frozen. Sometimes it is because the world doesn?t pay much attention to the conflict at hand. Often, the stakes are not very high in terms of global implications. Most of the time the alternative to the current impasse is worse.
Turkey has long ignored many parts of the world, particularly Africa. Today, Turks are rediscovering Africa, which is not too far from Turkey, and which they had established close ties with during the Ottoman period.
from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Interviews by Hajrudin Somun
Due to some new developments, a subject that I have already reviewed in Today?s Zaman deserves a new examination. The subject is neo-Ottomanism, the name opponents and critics give to Turkey?s active involvement in regional politics.
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