a politics roundup:
from Hurriyet Dailynews
Announcing a new month-long extension to its period of non-action, the outlawed PKK has urged Ankara to meet its conditions for a permanent cease-fire. (UPDATED)
from Yahoo news
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) rebel group extended a ceasefire with Turkey by one month on Thursday, a move it said is meant to foster efforts to end a war that has killed 40,000 people.
from Hurriyet Dailynews by ISTANBUL – Hürriyet Daily News
A proposal by a journalist to establish a watchdog institution overseeing the activities of print and online media has drawn a rebuke from a media organization.
Turkish colonel: I know about killings
Dogan is awaiting trial in a case involving a coup-plotting organization called Ergenekon. He allegedly wants to tell what he knows about killings
from Hurriyet Dailynews by ISTANBUL – Radikal
An attack on Roma people in the Aegean province of Manisa was motivated by prejudice and intended to drive the victims from their homes, according to a local prosecutor.
from Bianet :: English
More than 60 cases were opened against journalist Erdal because of her news articles about “Ergenekon” and the “Sledgehammer” coup plan. Now she was in court with journalists Arslan and Beşer. The Media Association criticizes a “breach of international agreements”.
from Hurriyet Dailynews by ISTANBUL – Daily News with wires
Members of an association marching to Ankara from Istanbul to protest prison conditions were attacked by another group near Bolu on Saturday.
Ergenekon threatened Dink, claims JİTEM member
Today’s Zaman
According to Özen, Dink was kidnapped by JİTEM operatives in 2004 and taken to the Cemetery for Non-Muslims, where he met with Ergenekon trial suspect Sevgi
It was 22 years ago. Back then it was quite routine to smoke in a taxi — if you were a smoker of course. I sat in the front seat and lit my cigarette and it took just a few minutes to solicit the violent reaction of the taxi driver. He threw me out of the taxi. It was the first day of Ramadan and he objected to me not fasting. I was lucky that our quarrel ended without physical violence.
The raiding of several art galleries in İstanbul?s historic Tophane neighborhood on Tuesday night, claimed to have been caused by people angered by alcohol being served, has drawn wide-ranging reactions.
by istanbulnotes
It looks increasingly as if the forthcoming process of drafting a new constitution will be dominated, initially at any rate, by the headscarf question. On the government side, a series of comments, from prime minister Erdoğan and those around him, give the impression that the core objective is a reversal of current restrictions on women who wear a headscarf.

from Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news :: Turkish Pre by TARHAN ERDEM RADIKAL
The debate on the new constitution is about to turn into an issue of obstinacy between politicians. How long will it take to draft the new constitution? One week?There are those in Turkey considered by others and themselves as ulusalcıs, neo-nationalists. The most radical of them are associated by the government and prosecutors with Ergenekon, the secret network assumed to be preparing the way for another military takeover in Turkey.
A court issued an arrest warrant for police chief Hanefi Avcı on Wednesday on charges of aiding and abetting a terrorist organization called the Revolutionary Headquarters.
When I started my law apprenticeship after graduating from law school, I became aware that some Turkish law practices were a kind of religious ritual. Lawyers had strange habits.
from Hurriyet Dailynews by HDN
Hanefi Avcı’s arrest made me, as a journalist, think about him and take a short journey in my mind with the help of archives.
from Yahoo news
Have Turkey’s Kurds discovered the power of Gandhi and Rosa Parks? It certainly looked that way in mid-September as thousands of school children across Turkey’s mainly Kurdish southeast stayed away from school to protest the lack of Kurdish-language education in Turkish state schools.
from Bianet :: English
Members of the Solidarity Association of Prisoners’ Families were attacked by nationalists in Ankara. Some group members were harassed because they were thought to be plainclothes police officers. The police took 30 association members into custody because of “resistance”.
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