Europeans, development aid and the Millennium development goals
European citizens continue to show resolute support to aid provided to developing countries. One week before the UN High Level Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals, the survey shows that 89% of respondents consider development aid is important or very important. Two in three Europeans believe that the EU should honor, or even improve, on its promises to increase development aid to 0.7% of GNI by 2015, the deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goal. This support, shared by a vast majority of citizens regardless of the nationality, has remained consistently high despite the financial crisis and the economic situation in Europe. In this context, three quarters (76%) of Europeans believe that there is added value in EU countries working together which contributes to avoid duplication and ensure aid effectiveness. Greece rejects debt restructuringfrom BBC News | Europe | World Edition Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou says restructuring the nation’s debt would be “catastrophic” for the country’s economy Nine Serbs to face Kosovo chargesfrom BBC News | Europe | World Edition Serbian prosecutors have charged nine Serbian ex-paramilitaries with killing 43 ethnic Albanians in Kosovo in May 1999. Euroblogs: Online and social media in Spanishby Grahnlaw The previous post presented three individual Spanish Euroblogs. We continue with a summary on communication by the EU and by mentioning two different collectives which publish in Spanish. Euroblogosphere: Three Spanish quality blogs #bkaebby Grahnlaw The blog post on the absence of Euroblogs in Portugal (or Portuguese) did not immediately result in hidden treasures being found, although the country (population 10.6 million) is a member of the European Union and the language could act as a bridge to 260 million Portuguese speakers worldwide. Italy pushes law driven by Roma influxfrom – World, Europe The centre-right government is pressing ahead with controversial legislation driven by an influx from Romania of gypsies that will formalise the process of expelling unwanted European Union citizens Brussels says Mabrouk Eid! to 160,000 Muslimsfrom by blog Bruxelles
?At sunset, when my kids said to me ‘ I want to eat this and that’ I said ?No. We are going to have soup.? Nadia Hachim is tired. But that’s okay. It’s all in the name of God. The past month she has been fasting, reflecting and avoiding excesses, particularly culinary ones. Since August 11, Brussels Muslims have put down their forks during the daylight hours, and lived a simpler and more careful existence. Can the EU Referendum Campaign catch a spark?, Guy Aitchisonfrom open Democracy News Analysis – by Guy Aitchison As Gerry Hassan notes below, in the context of Britain?s decomposing constitutional myths and structures, a bold new campaign has been launched to secure a referendum on our membership of the European Union. Macedonia name dispute: Time to decide, says Barrosofrom European Commission President José Manuel Barroso urged Macedonia and Greece to resolve once and for all their twenty-year dispute over the EU hopeful’s name after meeting Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov in Brussels yesterday (9 September). France to continue deporting Romafrom BBC News | Europe | World Edition France will not stop deporting Roma (Gypsy) people, French Immigration Minister Eric Besson says on a visit to Romania. Euroblogosphere: Who discovers Portugal?by Grahnlaw The current population of Portugal is 10.6 million, but this small country was at the vanguard of European overseas exploration (Wikipedia). ?State of the Union?: Draft Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the Commissionby Grahnlaw Despite saying so, the draft report for the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) on the revision of the framework agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the Commission [5.8.2010; 2010/2118(ACI)] did not contain an annex with the agreement, nor did the draft reports by Paolo Rangel clarify the supposedly new ?State of the Union? address. |
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