Fundamental challenges for Euroblogging
The Open Europe blog made the point that there is blogging on the fundamental questions of the future direction of Europe, as well as on EU politics in a narrower sense, the outcome of EU policies.
Euroblogs: Languages and interaction
We see a continuing lively debate on Euroblogs and Twitter (for instance #euroblog #EU #bkaeb #bbs10) regarding blogging about the European Union. has grown to aggregate the posts of 630 EU oriented blogs, and it already forms a community of sorts.
Mapping the Euroblogosphere: what are the must-read EU political blogs?
?Difficult question, one to which we would be tempted to answer: all of them. But as that wouldn?t be of much help, we?ve had a go at making our own selection of the must-read EU political blogs, also known as Euroblogs.
Inspired by previous attempts such as those of NoseMonkey, Jon Worth, the Bloggingportal and Lobby Planet, we?ve created Fleishman-Hillard?s own selection of Euroblogs in our brand new Netvibes page here, for anyone to follow with ease if you don?t do so already. Netvibes is a time-saving tool that allows you to see on one single web page the headlines of all your favourite websites.
Nosemonkey and Jon Worth: Founding Fathers of Euroblogging
In a blog entry Jon Worth recalled that his Euroblog turned five years old (a venerable age in the online world).
Eurobloggers: EU or policy specialists?
Our Summer cruise in the Euroblogosphere has taken us to eight destinations, resulting in as many blog entries, but the tour is far from over.

Granada’s Calderia Nueva resembles a North African souk
‘Moorish revival’
MAIN FOCUS: Kosovo’s indepence legitimate | 23/07/2010
Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia has been pronounced legitimate in an advisory opinion presented by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The European press examines the consequences for other separatist movements and Serbia’s possibilities for normalising relations with its neighbouring state.
Srebrenica: ten years on, , Ed Vulliamy
The Bosnian Serb massacre of around 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys in Srebrenica in July 1995 has left deep wounds. Ed Vulliamy revisits the scenes of a terrible crime, meets families and survivors, and reports on the search for human remains and justice.
The snow lies deep, the air is still and seven degrees below zero ? but the shiver is not from cold. It comes from somewhere within this accursed terrain, covered by a layer of virgin white. It comes from within this confounded building, and the memories it holds: a disused warehouse on the country road that runs through the village of Kravica in eastern Bosnia.
‘We Need Roots’ – Englishness and the new folk revival , John Mullen
There’s no doubt that Jez Butterworth’s ‘Jerusalem? has been the biggest theatre event of recent years. Following a day in the life of the self-mythologising itinerant Rooster Byron (a superb Mark Rylance), what I found most intriguing wasn’t that the audience was invited to sympathise with a drug-taking, dole-scrounging, suspected paedophile. No, what I loved was the way it brought to life a long neglected but very English mythology, conjuring up spectres of Blake, Milton, Gerrard Winstanley, the Green Man and the giants Gog and Magog stalking across ancient Albion.
Poland’s unique election, Adam Szostkiewicz
Elections even in mature democratic countries can be bitter affairs that leave the society more fragmented than before. Not so in the Poland of 2010. This time it was more of a national rite than a tough political contest. At least in the beginning. And the beginning was unique.
Slovakia?s surprising election, Juliana Sokolova
Any working democracy worth its name can produce unexpected results. What marks Slovakia?s election on 12 June 2010 was not just that it brought a number of surprises – but that rather uncommonly, several of these were pleasant. The most significant overall is that a country whose international political reputation since independence in January 1993 (following the ?velvet divorce? with the Czech Republic) was long defined by coarse populist-nationalist leaders may have chosen – albeit narrowly – a different, more liberal and tolerant, path.
Europe requires end of Merkel and Sarkozy
Latvia: Living in the Land of Extremes
Here in Latvia the internal devaluation continues and the debate is whether the economy is flexible enough for this experiment. I say perhaps it is, Edward says perhaps it isn?t but one thing is for sure: the Latvian economy is (possibly perversely) indeed flexible.
MAIN FOCUS: EU reprimands Romania and Bulgaria | 21/07/2010
The EU is demanding more commitment from Romania and Bulgaria in the fight against corruption. The harshest criticism in the progress report presented on Tuesday was directed at the Romanian judiciary. The press has words of praise for the EU’s constructive stance and criticises the reactions on the part of two most recent EU members.
Eastern Europe’s great game , Katinka Barysch
The United States is withdrawing from the former Soviet space; the European Union struggles to be taken seriously there. Does that leave Russia free to strengthen its influence in the countries around its borders? Not necessarily, for the situation in the region is complex.
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