full text of TESEV’s report in Turkish can be found here.
Today’s Zaman – ?7 hours ago?
The relationship between the media and the judiciary is very complex as they usually operate in concert in Turkey when it comes to protecting the interests
Hurriyet Daily News – ?10 hours ago?
Human rights lawyer Meryem Erdal releases her study on the Turkish press’ perception of the judiciary. Actualized as the final of three books written for
The most remarkable quote belongs to Hasan Gerçeker, the chairman of the Supreme Court of Appeals. ?This package is against the Constitution,? he declared. According to him, the proposals are against the principle of ?separation of powers? as written in the introduction of the current constitution.
A 23-article reform package that was drawn up by the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government in a bid to bring Turkish democracy closer to the level of Western democracies and to restructure judicial institutions to ensure that they operate according to universal standards of justice has been met with approval by pro-freedom and pro-democratic circles.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan speaks in the background as a security agent, one of several, stands during a meeting in Ankara, Turkey, Wednesday, March 24, 2010. Turkey stepped up security around Erdogan in the past few days.(AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)
The government?s constitutional reform package is generally positive. The pluses in terms of democratization and forming a state of law outweigh today?s situation. A lot will be written about the constitutional reform and referendum, but I would first like to say something on this matter.

The package of constitutional amendments that people have been speaking about for several days has finally been announced. Compared to the estimates or predictions people have been making about its content, it is obvious that it contains some surprises.
The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has already given up hope on a complete rewriting of the Constitution. This suggests that whatever change is made to the Constitution, we will continue to live within a legal environment set by the 1982 Constitution.
The opposition parties, the Republican People?s Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), as well as the heads of some judicial institutions, have given the cold shoulder to a constitutional reform package initiated by the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government.
Ergenekon suspects rely on intimidation tactics
Today’s Zaman
Suspects arrested as part of the investigation into Ergenekon, a clandestine gang charged with plotting to overthrow the government, have been relying on
Civil society, politicians react to Başbuğ’s support for terror suspects
Today’s Zaman
Berk stands accused of membership in Ergenekon, a clandestine criminal organization accused of working to overthrow the government, and of presiding over a
from Turkish Digest by Turkish Digest
“Not all tension in Turkey is West v Islam
A HISTORIC power struggle is afoot in a Muslim-majority country of the greatest importance to the future of the Islamic world and to the West’s relationship with it: Turkey.
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