Davutoglu is one of The World’s Kissingers
…And the youngest of the four.
Mavi Boncuk
The List: The World’s Kissingers BY JOSHUA E. KEATING
A country’s foreign policy is often defined less by its elected leader than its behind-the-scenes operators and elder statesmen. Here are four figures setting the global agenda for the world’s emerging powers, just as Henry Kissinger set America’s for over 50 years.
Turkey’s IMF financing talks end
News.Az – Russia ‘wins’ in US-Turkey standoff
Businesses lament Turkey?s slow EU accession process
Le grand vizir de la nouvelle Turquie
Le Nouvel Observateur (France), 4-10 mars 2010, Nº2365, pp. 56-60
Laure Marchand, de notre correspondante à Istanbul
Depuis qu?Ahmet Davutoglu dirige sa diplomatie, la Turquie renoue avec ses voisins, tend la main à l?Europe, offre sa médiation tous azimuts, quitte à flirter avec des régimes sulfureux. Un exercice périlleux qui la replace au coeur du « grand jeu » régional
Getting to Boring
I have a short analysis piece up in the new issue of the online magazine The Majalla. The question I was asked to answer was “Why Turkey Should Join the EU?” (from the Turkish perspective). The combination of Turkey’s growing self-confidence on the world stage, the lack of political ambition being projected from Brussels and the economic turmoil in Greece certainly make it harder to make the case for Europe these days. Here’s my take on why Turkey should still be keeping its eyes on the EU membership prize:
What is behind Çağaptay?s aggression from the other side of the Atlantic? (2) by İDRİS BAL
Why are Mr. Soner Çağaptay and the like trying to cast doubt on coup attempts and preparations in Turkey?
Results Profile: Turkey Energy

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