?Mutual Friends? as Culture
I ?friend? and ?follow? on Facebook and Twitter many of my informants working in the multidisciplinary world of social entrepreneurship. It can be helpful in a number of ways. Personal profile pages on social media sites form databases for the usual information that takes up the first 10 minutes of an interview and from which class assessments can be made (education, current city, hometown city, religion, politics, etc). This is a good resource for anthropologists interested in links between social capital and digital culture, but I want to explore how Facebook?s ?mutual friends? groupings are data sets for anthropologists.
In the Crossfire: Critical Infrastructure in the Age of Cyber War (PDF; 3.8 MB)
Source: McAfee
With the global economy still fragile after last year?s financial crisis, assuring the integrity and availability of key national industries may fall out of focus as a government priority, but will remain a key determinant of strategic vulnerability.
Six hundred IT and security executives from critical infrastructure enterprises across seven sectors in 14 countries all over the world anonymously answered an extensive series of detailed questions about their practices, attitudes and policies on security?the impact of regulation, their relationship with government, specific security measures employed on their networks, and the kinds of attacks they face.
Critical infrastructure owners and operators report that their IT networks are under repeated cyberattack, often by high-level adversaries. The impact of such attacks is often severe, and their cost is high and borne widely. Although executives generally report satisfaction with the resources they have for security, recession-driven cuts have been widespread and sometimes deep. And there is concern about how well-prepared critical infrastructure is to deal with large-scale attacks.
Toward a new sociology of religion
from The Immanent Frame by Peggy Levitt
Amnesty International: the politics of morality,
The expansion of Amnesty International’s remit to include “full spectrum” human rights may entail costs as well as benefits, says Stephen Hopgood, author of “Keepers of the Flame: Understanding Amnesty International”.
The idea that the focus of Amnesty’s International’s work should be widely extended to accommodate what it called the “full spectrum” of human rights was advocated a year ago on openDemocracy by the organisation’s British campaigns director, Stephen Bowen (see “‘Full-spectrum’ human rights: Amnesty International rethinks“, 3 June 2005). The notion of “full spectrum” includes, in this perspective, a panoply of economic, social and cultural rights of which those to water, education, housing, a family life, work, and the use of a language of one’s choice are only a few; the definition is flexible enough to accommodate further development, such as the right to abortion.
humanistic undergraduate research and/in digital spaces
I am reading two books for my two classes right now. In composition, we are reading Booth, Williams, and Colomb’s Craft of Research as we are really getting rolling on our research projects for this semester. In my grad class we are reading Lev Manovich’s Language of New Media. It’s an unlikely pairing perhaps, which is partly why some fruitful connections might emerge between them.
Parasitic strategies of deconstruction
Actants, Ontology, and Epistemology
from Larval Subjects . by larvalsubjects
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