Zeynep Gürcanlı of Hürriyet has a good piece on Turkish Foreign Ministry‘s use of web. All consulates are connected with advanced networking tools… Not only policy change but hi-tech accompanies the Ministry… It is in Turkish but Google translate can help… A roundup follows:
Incoming EU enlargement chief backs Turkey – UPI.com
EU information office reopens in Istanbul – Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu (R) and Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak meet in Ankara January 17, 2010. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
EU management of pre-accession funds to Turkey under fire
Turkey starts to love its neighbours | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | guardian.co.uk
La Turquie de nos mérites
Les Echos (France), 11/01/10
Dominique Moïsi *
Nous aurons l?Allemagne de nos mérites. » En 1945, c?est en ces termes qu?un visionnaire éclairé sorti des camps de la mort, Joseph Rovan, définissait le défi devant lequel se trouvait la France, l?Europe et, au-delà, l?ensemble de la communauté internationale.
Israeli Defense Minister Visits Turkey to Mend Frayed Ties
Barak heads to Turkey to finalize UAV deal, mend ties | Israel | Jerusalem Post
Lieberman: Humiliation of Turkish envoy a mistake – Israel News, Ynetnews
Turkey and Israel: Quo vadis?
The Israeli apology?s inner meaning
A Spat’s Post-Mortem
My Jerusalem-based Christian Science Monitor colleague Ilene Prusher has a very good piece up about Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s new “national pride” foreign policy and how it factored into the recent “chair incident” between Israel and Turkey. From her piece:
A Diplomatic Shot in the Foot
The Jerusalem Post’s Herb Keinon has a good column looking at what the recent spat with Turkey will cost Israel in diplomatic and political terms. From Keinon’s colum:
Israel and Turkey Patch Up Latest Rift, Over Diplomatic Slight
Perceptions of Turkey in the Middle East
In his column, Sedat Ergin discusses the results of a recent TESEV study of Arab opinions about Turkey. (click here). The study, ?Perceptions of Turkey in the Middle East?, came out in Turkish in April (click here for the study; it can be downloaded. There?s an English listing on the TESEV site, but it seems to be inactive.)
The Changing Image of Turks in Germany
An argument over a planned mosque has turned into a fundamental debate about Islam. People have come to be defined by their religion, and every Muslim is an enemy of the constitution. A view of the issues from Sanem Kleff and Eberhard Seidel
Decoding the Foreign Policy Orientations of the CHP Deputies
By Seckin Baris Gulmez (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
The Republican People?s Party (CHP), the current main opposition party in Turkey, is renowned for its strict foreign policy understanding which has been recently reflected as euroscepticism with regard to Turkey?s EU membership (Gulmez, 2008), and the hard-line policy stance pertinent to the Cyprus problem (Gulmez, 2007). It could be observed that although generally sharing the official standpoint of the party, many CHP deputies adopted a softer and more optimistic attitude with regard to Turkey?s EU membership bid (Gulmez, 2008: 432-433). Starting from this point of difference, this short piece is going to discuss whether there are substantial differences between the CHP deputies and the party officials concerning foreign policy with reference to an almost unpublished survey conducted in 2006 by the auhtor. Accordingly, the paper will dwell on the perceptions of the CHP deputies over the EU, the role of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) over Turkish foreign policy as well as the Kurdish problem.
Fear in the Foreign Ministry room
Divorcing in mind
What went wrong for Israel?
I am personally surprised and shocked to see Israeli academics and policy-makers failing to understand the dynamics, actors and processes that give rise to a new Turkey. The Israeli government acts as if it were dealing with the Turkey of the 1990s, ruled by weak coalition governments that were heavily influenced by the media patrons in İstanbul and generals in Ankara.
Germany key country in the negotiation process by ALİ YURTTAGÜL

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Very funny cartoon photomontage – Giant Erdogan Dwafs Barak